Journal: Inf. Syst.

Volume 11, Issue 1

1 -- 7Israel Gold, Haran Boral. The power of the private workspace model
9 -- 23Sol J. Greenspan, Alexander Borgida, John Mylopoulos. A requirements modeling language and its logic
25 -- 40Stefano Ceri, Georg Gottlob, Giuseppe Pelagatti. Taxonomy and formal properties of distributed joins
41 -- 59Isamu Kobayashi. Losslessness and semantic correctness of database schema transformation: another look of schema equivalence
61 -- 85José Luiz Fiadeiro, Amílcar Sernadas. The INFOLOG linear tense propositional logic of events and transactions
87 -- 100G. Barbara Demo, Sukhamay Kundu. Modeling the CODASYL DML context dependency for database program conversion