Journal: Inf. Sci.

Volume 2, Issue 1

1 -- 18Pierre-Yves Arquès. Étude expérimentale du Nombre de Dépassements d'un Seuil par une Fonction aléatoire et Application à la Détection des Signaux
19 -- 34Paul C. Badavas, George N. Saridis. Response identification of distributed systems with noisy measurements at finite points
35 -- 49Philip M. Spira. On the computational complexity of finite functions and semigroup multiplication
51 -- 67John Casti, Robert Kalaba. Proof of the basic invariant imbedding method for fredholm integral equations with displacement kernels. Part I
69 -- 76John Casti, Robert Kalaba. Proof of the basic invariant imbedding method for Fredholm integral equations with displacement kernels. part II
77 -- 81Lawrence Schwartz. Sequential estimation with unestimated parameters - The forced case
83 -- 110Seymour Ginsburg, Edwin H. Spanier. Substitution in families of languages