Journal: ISSE

Volume 11, Issue 1

1 -- 7Ardhendu Mandal, Subhas Chandra Pal. Achieving agility through BRIDGE process model: an approach to integrate the agile and disciplined software development
9 -- 23Jeremy Rose. Improving software management: the industry model, the knowledge model, the network model
25 -- 38Vahid Khatibi Bardsiri, Elham Khatibi. Insightful analogy-based software development effort estimation through selective classification and localization
39 -- 53Imène Issaoui, Nadia Bouassida, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah. Using metric-based filtering to improve design pattern detection approaches
55 -- 69Jing Liu, Xijiao Xiong, Zuohua Ding, Jifeng He. Modeling and analysis of interactive telemedicine systems