Journal: Inf. Sec. Techn. Report

Volume 10, Issue 4

185 -- 0G. Price. Editorial: "The security perimeter"
186 -- 188David Lacey. Inventing the future - The vision of the Jericho Forum
189 -- 203Graham Palmer. De-Perimeterisation: Benefits and limitations
204 -- 212J. Stuart Broderick. Firewalls - Are they enough protection for current networks?
213 -- 219Gerhard Eschelbeck. The Laws of Vulnerabilities: Which security vulnerabilities really matter?
220 -- 227John Walker. The extended security perimeter
228 -- 235Mark Curphey. Web services: Developers dream or hackers heaven?
236 -- 239Phil Cracknell. Why 'Phish' when you can Trawl?

Volume 10, Issue 3

133 -- 0Michael J. Ganley. Introduction - Intrusion detection and prevention
134 -- 139Andreas Fuchsberger. Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems
140 -- 149Brian Hernacki, Jeremy Bennett, James A. Hoagland. An overview of network evasion methods
150 -- 161Maria Papadaki, Steven M. Furnell. Informing the decision process in an automated intrusion response system
162 -- 168. Next-generation intrusion prevention: Accounting for the attack timeline
169 -- 183Tadeusz Pietraszek, Axel Tanner. Data mining and machine learning - Towards reducing false positives in intrusion detection

Volume 10, Issue 2

59 -- 62Brian Berger. Trusted computing group history
63 -- 73G. Edward Suh, Charles W. O'Donnell, Srinivas Devadas. AEGIS: A single-chip secure processor
74 -- 82David Safford, Mimi Zohar. Trusted computing and open source
83 -- 95Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Christian Stüble. Towards multilaterally secure computing platforms - with open source and trusted computing
96 -- 104Carlin R. Covey, Mark D. Redman, Thomas E. Tkacik. An Advanced Trusted Platform for mobile phone devices
105 -- 119Seth D. Schoen. Compatibility, competition, and control in trusted computing environments
120 -- 132Geoffrey Strongin. Trusted computing using AMD "Pacifica" and "Presidio" secure virtual machine technology

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 0Jason Crampton. Introduction to February 2005 issue of ISTR
2 -- 14Konstantin Beznosov, Donald J. Flinn, Shirley Kawamoto, Bret Hartman. Introduction to Web services and their security
15 -- 24Christian Geuer-Pollmann, Joris Claessens. Web services and web service security standards
25 -- 32Allan MacPhee, Mark O'Neill. Notes from the field: Implementing a security solution for Web Services
33 -- 40David Chadwick. Authorisation in Grid computing
41 -- 50Paul Kearney. Message level security for web services
51 -- 58Grit Denker, Lalana Kagal, Tim Finin. Security in the Semantic Web using OWL