Journal: Journal of the ACM

Volume 62, Issue 5

32 -- 0Tim Roughgarden. Intrinsic Robustness of the Price of Anarchy
33 -- 0Flavio Chierichetti, Ravi Kumar. LSH-Preserving Functions and Their Applications
34 -- 0Hyung-Chan An, Robert D. Kleinberg, David B. Shmoys. Improving Christofides' Algorithm for the s-t Path TSP
35 -- 0Michael Elkin, Shay Solomon. Optimal Euclidean Spanners: Really Short, Thin, and Lanky
36 -- 0Seth Pettie. Sharp Bounds on Davenport-Schinzel Sequences of Every Order
37 -- 0Erez Kantor, Zvi Lotker, Merav Parter, David Peleg. The Topology of Wireless Communication
38 -- 0Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Seth Pettie. Improved Distributed Approximate Matching
39 -- 0Volker Diekert, Manfred Kufleitner, Klaus Reinhardt, Tobias Walter. Regular Languages Are Church-Rosser Congruential
40 -- 0Nikhil Bansal, Niv Buchbinder, Aleksander Madry, Joseph Naor. k-Server Problem
41 -- 0Avi Wigderson, Phokion G. Kolaitis. Invited Articles Foreword
42 -- 0Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak, David Steurer. Subexponential Algorithms for Unique Games and Related Problems
43 -- 0Paraschos Koutris, Prasang Upadhyaya, Magdalena Balazinska, Bill Howe, Dan Suciu. Query-Based Data Pricing