Journal: JAMDS

Volume 8, Issue 4

201 -- 218Wing-Keung Wong, Jack H. W. Penm, Richard Deane Terrell, Karen Yann Ching Lim. The relationship between stock markets of major developed countries and Asian emerging markets
219 -- 233Tarun K. Sen, Parviz Ghandforoush, Charles T. Stivason. Improving prediction of neural networks: a study of tow financial prediction tasks
235 -- 246Michelle K. McDougall, Glen D. Rayner. Robustness to non-normality of various tests for the one-sample location problem
247 -- 260Lars Erichsen, Per Bruun Brockhoff. An application of latent class random coefficient regression

Volume 8, Issue 3

141 -- 154Virginia Wheway. Variance reduction trends on boosted classifiers
155 -- 174Takahito Kuno, Jianming Shi. Linear programs with an additional separable concave constraint
175 -- 190Emiko Fukuda, Takashi Matsuhisa, Hisato Sasanuma. A wareness, belief, and communication reaching consensus
191 -- 200Carlton H. Scott, Thomas R. Jefferson, Soheila Jorjani. Duals for classical inventory models via generalized geometric programming

Volume 8, Issue 2

67 -- 86Eric J. Beh, Pamela J. Davy. A non-iterative alternative to ordinal Log-Linear models
87 -- 105Peter T. Ittig. Comparison of efficient seasonal indexes
107 -- 129Rao R. Vemuganti. On gradient simplex methods for linear programs
131 -- 140Dong Qian Wang, Stefanka Chukova, C. D. Lai. On the relationship between regression analysis and mathematical programming

Volume 8, Issue 1

1 -- 14Rogemar S. Mamon. Three ways to solve for bond prices in the Vasicek model
15 -- 32Ross Sparks. SUR Models applied to an environmental situation with missing data and censored values
33 -- 42Athanassios Katsis. Sample size for testing homogeneity of two a priori dependent binomial populations using the Bayesian approach
43 -- 65Burhan F. Yavas, Swinder Janda, George A. Marcoulides. Cross-national stability of a quality management model: a comparative study of the United States and Turkey