Journal: JAMIA

Volume 27, Issue 7

989 -- 990Suzanne Bakken. Telehealth: Simply a pandemic response or here to stay?
991 -- 999Aihua Yan, Yi Zou, Dinesh A. Mirchandani. How hospitals in mainland China responded to the outbreak of COVID-19 using information technology-enabled services: An analysis of hospital news webpages
1000 -- 1006Mollie R. Cummins, Guilherme Del Fiol, Barbara I. Crouch, Pallavi Ranade-Kharkar, Aly Khalifa, Andrew Iskander, Darren K. Mann, Matt Hoffman, Sidney N. Thornton, Todd L. Allen, Heather Bennett. Enabling health information exchange at a US Poison Control Center
1007 -- 1018Claudia Vesel, Homa Rashidisabet, John Zulueta, Jonathan P. Stange, Jennifer Duffecy, Faraz Hussain 0002, Andrea Piscitello, John S. Bark, Scott A. Langenecker, Shannon Young, Erin Mounts, Larsson Omberg, Peter C. Nelson, Raeanne C. Moore, Dave Koziol, Keith Bourne, Casey C. Bennett, Olusola Ajilore, Alexander P. Demos, Alex Leow. Effects of mood and aging on keystroke dynamics metadata and their diurnal patterns in a large open-science sample: A BiAffect iOS study
1019 -- 1027Caitlin E. Coombes, Zachary B. Abrams, Suli Li, Lynne V. Abruzzo, Kevin R. Coombes. Unsupervised machine learning and prognostic factors of survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
1026 -- 1131Sehj Kashyap, Saurabh Gombar, Steve Yadlowsky, Alison Callahan, Jason A. Fries, Benjamin A. Pinsky, Nigam H. Shah. Measure what matters: Counts of hospitalized patients are a better metric for health system capacity planning for a reopening
1028 -- 1036Rui Duan, Chongliang Luo, Martijn J. Schuemie, Jiayi Tong, C. Jason Liang, Howard H. Chang, Mary Regina Boland, Jiang Bian 0001, Hua Xu 0001, John H. Holmes, Christopher B. Forrest, Sally C. Morton, Jesse A. Berlin, Jason H. Moore, Kevin B. Mahoney, Yong Chen. Learning from local to global: An efficient distributed algorithm for modeling time-to-event data
1037 -- 1045Katherine Bobroske, Christine Larish, Anita Cattrell, Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir, Lawrence Huan. The bird's-eye view: A data-driven approach to understanding patient journeys from claims data
1046 -- 1056Fang Li, Jingcheng Du, Yongqun He, Hsing-yi Song, Mohcine Madkour, Guozheng Rao, Yang Xiang, Yi Luo, Henry W. Chen, Sijia Liu, Liwei Wang, Hongfang Liu, Hua Xu 0001, Cui Tao. Time event ontology (TEO): to support semantic representation and reasoning of complex temporal relations of clinical events
1057 -- 1066Neha Jain, Kathleen F. Mittendorf, Marilyn Holt, Michele L. LeNoue-Newton, Ian Maurer, Clinton Miller, Matthew Stachowiak, Michelle Botyrius, James Cole, Christine Micheel, Mia A. Levy. The My Cancer Genome clinical trial data model and trial curation workflow
1067 -- 1071Gang Li, Guorui Fan, Yanyan Chen, Zhaohua Deng. What patients "see" doctors in online fever clinics during COVID-19 in Wuhan?
1072 -- 1083Stacey Marovich, Genevieve B. Luensman, Barbara Wallace, Eileen Storey. Opportunities at the intersection of work and health: Developing the occupational data for health information model
1084 -- 1091Junyi Gao, Cao Xiao, Lucas M. Glass, Jimeng Sun. Dr. Agent: Clinical predictive model via mimicked second opinions
1092 -- 1101Ryan J. Crowley, Yuan Jin Tan, John P. A. Ioannidis. Empirical assessment of bias in machine learning diagnostic test accuracy studies
1102 -- 1109Stacie Vilendrer, Birju Patel, Whitney Chadwick, Michael Hwa, Steven Asch, Natalie Pageler, Rajiv Ramdeo, Erika A. Saliba-Gustafsson, Philip Strong, Christopher Sharp. Rapid Deployment of Inpatient Telemedicine In Response to COVID-19 Across Three Health Systems
1110 -- 1115Clair A. Kronk, Judith W. Dexheimer. Development of the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology: Evaluation and workflow
1116 -- 1120Pious D. Patel, Jared Cobb, Deidre Wright, Robert W. Turer, Tiffany Jordan, Amber Humphrey, Adrienne L. Kepner, Gaye Smith, S. Trent Rosenbloom. Rapid development of telehealth capabilities within pediatric patient portal infrastructure for COVID-19 care: barriers, solutions, results
1121 -- 1125Benjamin D. Wissel, P. J. Van Camp, Michal Kouril, Chad Weis, Tracy A. Glauser, Peter S. White, Isaac S. Kohane, Judith W. Dexheimer. An interactive online dashboard for tracking COVID-19 in U.S. counties, cities, and states in real time
1132 -- 1135Devin M. Mann, Ji Chen, Rumi Chunara, Paul A. Testa, Oded Nov. COVID-19 transforms health care through telemedicine: Evidence from the field
1136 -- 1138Ninad K. Mishra, Jon Duke, Leslie Lenert, Saugat Karki. Public health reporting and outbreak response: synergies with evolving clinical standards for interoperability
1139 -- 1141Joseph M. Plasek, Chunlei Tang, Yangyong Zhu, Yajun Huang, David W. Bates. Following data as it crosses borders during the COVID-19 pandemic
1142 -- 1146Thomas George Kannampallil, Randi E. Foraker, Albert M. Lai, Keith F. Woeltje, Philip R. O. Payne. When past is not a prologue: Adapting informatics practice during a pandemic
1147 -- 1148Anita Ramsetty, Cristin Adams. Impact of the digital divide in the age of COVID-19
1149 -- 1165Daniel Fraczkowski, Jeffrey Matson, Karen Dunn Lopez. Nurse workarounds in the electronic health record: An integrative review
1166 -- 1172Anacláudia Pereira da Costa Flores, Samara Andreolla Lazaro, Cynthia Goulart Molina-Bastos, Verônica Lucas de Oliveira Guattini, Roberto Nunes Umpierre, Marcelo Rodrigues Gonçalves, Vinicius Coelho Carrard. Teledentistry in the diagnosis of oral lesions: A systematic review of the literature
1173 -- 1185Seyedeh Neelufar Payrovnaziri, Zhaoyi Chen, Pablo Rengifo-Moreno, Tim Miller, Jiang Bian 0001, Jonathan H. Chen, Xiuwen Liu, Zhe He 0001. Explainable artificial intelligence models using real-world electronic health record data: a systematic scoping review