Journal: Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Volume 45, Issue 2

199 -- 209Alan L. Rector, Luigi Iannone. Lexically suggest, logically define: Quality assurance of the use of qualifiers and expected results of post-coordination in SNOMED CT
210 -- 223Yaqiang Wang, Zhonghua Yu, Yongguang Jiang, Yongchao Liu, Li Chen, Yiguang Liu. A framework and its empirical study of automatic diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine utilizing raw free-text clinical records
224 -- 230Xiaoyi Wang, Jiying Ling. Multiple valued logic approach for matching patient records in multiple databases
231 -- 239Stefania Rubrichi, Silvana Quaglini. Summary of Product Characteristics content extraction for a safe drugs usage
240 -- 254Joanna Abraham, Thomas George Kannampallil, Vimla L. Patel. Bridging gaps in handoffs: A continuity of care based approach
255 -- 264Germain Forestier, Florent Lalys, Laurent Riffaud, Brivael Trelhu, Pierre Jannin. Classification of surgical processes using dynamic time warping
265 -- 272Yukun Chen, Subramani Mani, Hua Xu. Applying active learning to assertion classification of concepts in clinical text
273 -- 291Carlo Combi, Giuseppe Pozzi, Rosalba Rossato. Querying temporal clinical databases on granular trends
292 -- 306Jon Patrick, Min Li. An ontology for clinical questions about the contents of patient notes
307 -- 315Sarah A. Collins, Lena Mamykina, Desmond Jordan, Daniel M. Stein, Alisabeth Shine, Paul Reyfman, David R. Kaufman. In search of common ground in handoff documentation in an Intensive Care Unit
316 -- 322Dairong Wang, Henry P. Parkman, Michael R. Jacobs, Anurag K. Mishra, Evgeny Krynetskiy, Zoran Obradovic. DNA microarray SNP associations with clinical efficacy and side effects of domperidone treatment for gastroparesis
323 -- 336Yang Xiang, Kewei Lu, Stephen L. James, Tara Borlawsky, Kun Huang, Philip R. O. Payne. k-Neighborhood decentralization: A comprehensive solution to index the UMLS for large scale knowledge discovery
337 -- 349Watson Wei Khong Chua, Jung-jae Kim. BOAT: Automatic alignment of biomedical ontologies using term informativeness and candidate selection
350 -- 362Farzana Kabir Ahmad, Safaai Deris, N. H. Othman. The inference of breast cancer metastasis through gene regulatory networks
363 -- 371Sachin Mathur, Deendayal Dinakarpandian. Finding disease similarity based on implicit semantic similarity
372 -- 387Mary F. McGuire, M. Sriram Iyengar, David W. Mercer. Data driven linear algebraic methods for analysis of molecular pathways: Application to disease progression in shock/trauma
388 -- 389David L. Buckeridge. Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-Defense, Hsinchun Chen, Daniel Zeng, Ping Yan. Springer (2010)
390 -- 397Leila Eadie, Paul Taylor, Adam P. Gibson. Recommendations for research design and reporting in computer-assisted diagnosis to facilitate meta-analysis