Journal: Journal of Computational Neuroscience

Volume 50, Issue 2

133 -- 138Daniel Gardner. Where are the cores in this thing? ...and what are they computing? (with apologies to Larry Abbott)
139 -- 143Mousa Karayanni, Israel Nelken. Extrinsic rewards, intrinsic rewards, and non-optimal behavior
145 -- 159Kelsey Gasior, Kirill Korshunov, Paul Q. Trombley, Richard Bertram. Fast-slow analysis as a technique for understanding the neuronal response to current ramps
161 -- 180Muhammad U. Abdulla, Ryan S. Phillips, Jonathan E. Rubin. Dynamics of ramping bursts in a respiratory neuron model
181 -- 201Linda Ma, Mainak Patel. A model of lateral interactions as the origin of multiwhisker receptive fields in rat barrel cortex
203 -- 215Yihua Zhong, Jicheng Wang, Jonathan Beckel, William C. de Groat, Changfeng Tai. High-frequency stimulation induces axonal conduction block without generating initial action potentials
217 -- 240Muhammad Bilal Ghori, Yanmei Kang, Yaqian Chen. Emergence of stochastic resonance in a two-compartment hippocampal pyramidal neuron model
241 -- 249Erik D. Fagerholm, W. Matthew C. Foulkes, Yasir Gallero-Salas, Fritjof Helmchen, Rosalyn J. Moran, Karl J. Friston, Robert Leech. Estimating anisotropy directly via neural timeseries
251 -- 272Erick Olivares, Matthew H. Higgs, Charles J. Wilson. Local inhibition in a model of the indirect pathway globus pallidus network slows and deregularizes background firing, but sharpens and synchronizes responses to striatal input
273 -- 0. Correction to: 30th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2021-Meeting Abstracts