Journal: Journal of Computational Neuroscience

Volume 13, Issue 3

167 -- 186Nissim J. Buchs, Walter Senn. Spike-Based Synaptic Plasticity and the Emergence of Direction Selective Simple Cells: Simulation Results
187 -- 205András Lörincz, Botond Szatmáry, Gábor Szirtes. The Mystery of Structure and Function of Sensory Processing Areas of the Neocortex: A Resolution
207 -- 216M. Eger, Reinhard Eckhorn. Assessing the Encoding of Stimulus Attributes with Rapid Sequences of Stimulus Events
217 -- 235Fidel Santamaría, Dieter Jaeger, Erik De Schutter, James M. Bower. Modulatory Effects of Parallel Fiber and Molecular Layer Interneuron Synaptic Activity on Purkinje Cell Responses to Ascending Segment Input: A Modeling Study

Volume 13, Issue 2

71 -- 91B. Suresh Krishna. A Unified Mechanism for Spontaneous-Rate and First-Spike Timing in the Auditory Nerve
93 -- 109Michael Shelley, David McLaughlin, Robert Shapley, Jacob Wielaard. States of High Conductance in a Large-Scale Model of the Visual Cortex
111 -- 124Alex Loebel, Misha Tsodyks. Computation by Ensemble Synchronization in Recurrent Networks with Synaptic Depression
125 -- 142Edward W. Large, John D. Crawford. Auditory Temporal Computation: Interval Selectivity Based on Post-Inhibitory Rebound
143 -- 158Mark J. Tunstall, Alan Roberts, Stephen R. Soffe. Modelling Inter-Segmental Coordination of Neuronal Oscillators: Synaptic Mechanisms for Uni-Directional Coupling During Swimming in Xenopus Tadpoles

Volume 13, Issue 1

5 -- 21Clyde S. Miller, Don H. Johnson, John P. Schroeter, Lay L. Myint, Raymon M. Glantz. Visual Signals in an Optomotor Reflex: Systems and Information Theoretic Analysis
23 -- 34Ji-Hong Zheng, Zhong Jian, Jun Chen. Detection of Deterministic Behavior Within the Tissue Injury-Induced Persistent Firing of Nociceptive Neurons in the Dorsal Horn of the Rat Spinal Cord
35 -- 47Michael C. Reed, Jacob J. Blum, Colleen C. Mitchell. Precision of Neural Timing: Effects of Convergence and Time-Windowing
49 -- 62Upinder S. Bhalla. Biochemical Signaling Networks Decode Temporal Patterns of Synaptic Input