Journal: J. Comput. Physics

Volume 227, Issue 13

6411 -- 6447James A. Sethian, Ying Shan. Solving partial differential equations on irregular domains with moving interfaces, with applications to superconformal electrodeposition in semiconductor manufacturing
6448 -- 6472A. Kaufmann, Mathieu Moreau, Olivier Simonin, Jérôme Hélie. Comparison between Lagrangian and mesoscopic Eulerian modelling approaches for inertial particles suspended in decaying isotropic turbulence
6473 -- 6489Boyan Bejanov, Jean-Luc Guermond, Peter D. Minev. A grid-alignment finite element technique for incompressible multicomponent flows
6490 -- 6510Bartosz Protas. Adjoint-based optimization of PDE systems with alternative gradients
6511 -- 6531Jung H. Seo, Young J. Moon, Byeong Rog Shin. Prediction of cavitating flow noise by direct numerical simulation
6532 -- 6552Weizhang Huang, Jingtang Ma, Robert D. Russell. A study of moving mesh PDE methods for numerical simulation of blowup in reaction diffusion equations
6553 -- 6573Haiyan Jiang, Sihong Shao, Wei Cai, Pingwen Zhang. Boundary treatments in non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) methods for quantum transport in nano-MOSFETs
6574 -- 6590Sergey Pancheshnyi, Pierre Ségur, Julien Capeillère, Anne Bourdon. Numerical simulation of filamentary discharges with parallel adaptive mesh refinement
6591 -- 6597John D. Towers. A convergence rate theorem for finite difference approximations to delta functions
6598 -- 6611R. Parashar, John H. Cushman. Scaling the fractional advective-dispersive equation for numerical evaluation of microbial dynamics in confined geometries with sticky boundaries
6612 -- 6637Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Nicholas Zabaras. A non-linear dimension reduction methodology for generating data-driven stochastic input models
6638 -- 6659Michael Baldauf. Stability analysis for linear discretisations of the advection equation with Runge-Kutta time integration
6660 -- 6680Andreas Mark, Berend G. M. van Wachem. Derivation and validation of a novel implicit second-order accurate immersed boundary method
6681 -- 6695Alexei Heintz, Piotr Kowalczyk, Richards Grzhibovskis. Fast numerical method for the Boltzmann equation on non-uniform grids
6696 -- 6714Manav Tyagi, Patrick Jenny, Ivan Lunati, Hamdi A. Tchelepi. A Lagrangian, stochastic modeling framework for multi-phase flow in porous media