Journal: J. Comput. Syst. Sci.

Volume 67, Issue 1

1 -- 25Hwakyung Rim, Ju-wook Jang, Sung-Chun Kim. A simple reduction of non-uniformity in dynamic load balancing of quantized loads on hypercube multiprocessors and hiding balancing overheads
26 -- 45Shlomi Dolev, Sergio Rajsbaum. Stability of long-lived consensus
46 -- 62Peter Damaschke. On parallel attribute-efficient learning
63 -- 91William I. Gasarch, Evan Golub, Clyde P. Kruskal. Constant time parallel sorting: an empirical view
92 -- 126Edith Cohen, Haim Kaplan, Uri Zwick. Connection caching: model and algorithms
127 -- 173Karl Meinke. Proof theory of higher-order equations: conservativity, normal forms and term rewriting
174 -- 182Jean-Paul Allouche, Guentcho Skordev. Remarks on permutive cellular automata
183 -- 197Marek Chrobak, Leah Epstein, John Noga, Jiri Sgall, Rob van Stee, Tomás Tichý, Nodari Vakhania. Preemptive scheduling in overloaded systems
198 -- 208Abhiram G. Ranade. Scheduling loosely connected task graphs