Journal: J. Comput. Sci. Technol.

Volume 11, Issue 6

529 -- 541Shiyi Xu, Gercy P. Dias. The methodology of testability prediction for sequential circuits
542 -- 550Naihong Wei, Shiyuan Yang, Shibai Tong. A neural network approach to fault diagnosis in analog circuits
551 -- 561Yin Shi, Daozheng Wei. Accelerated techniques in stem fault simulation
562 -- 569Zongfu Yan, Mingye Liu. The RTL binding and mapping approach of VHDL High-level synthesis system HLS/BIT
570 -- 580Zhigang Zhu, Guangyou Xu. Neural networks for omni-view road image understanding
581 -- 588Ke Chen, Weiquan Bao, Huisheng Chi. Speed up training of the recurrent neural network based on constrained optimization techniques
589 -- 600Xianzhu Wang, Heng Liao, Sanli Li. DYNAMEM - A microarchitecture for improving memory disambiguation at run-time
601 -- 606Yun Wang, Guanqun Gu, Jiyin Dui. Research on protocol migration
607 -- 614Jian Liu, Zhiming Chen, Yanru Zhong, Zhong Du. Compact DC-DC converter for pocket micro-controller systems
615 -- 621Jigui Sun, Xiaochun Cheng, Xuhua Liu. The global properties of valid formulas in modal logic K