- Sarah Auster, Piero Gottardi. Sorting versus screening in decentralized markets with adverse selection. J. Economic Theory, 220:105883, 2024.
- Yu Awaya, Vijay Krishna. Panics and prices. J. Economic Theory, 217:105818, 2024.
- Yusufcan Masatlioglu, Tri Phu Vu. Growing attention. J. Economic Theory, 222:105929, 2024.
- Federico Echenique, Sumit Goel, Sangmok Lee. Stable allocations in discrete exchange economies. J. Economic Theory, 222:105921, 2024.
- Marie Laclau, Ludovic Renou, Xavier Venel. Communication on networks and strong reliability. J. Economic Theory, 217:105822, 2024.
- Xin Feng, Qian Jiao, Zhonghong Kuang, Jingfeng Lu. Optimal prize design in team contests with pairwise battles. J. Economic Theory, 215:105765, January 2024.
- YiLi Chien, Yi Wen. The Ramsey steady-state conundrum in heterogeneous-agent economies. J. Economic Theory, 220:105873, 2024.
- Luciano Méndez-Naya, José Méndez-Naya. Indivisible goods, equilibrium and convex economies. J. Economic Theory, 222:105930, 2024.
- Jacob M. Nebel. A choice-functional characterization of welfarism. J. Economic Theory, 222:105918, 2024.
- Sushil Bikhchandani, Debasis Mishra. Rank-preserving multidimensional mechanisms: An equivalence between identical-object and heterogeneous-object models. J. Economic Theory, 222:105923, 2024.