Journal: JIKM

Volume 4, Issue 1

1 -- 13Rikard Lindgren. Adopting Competence Systems in Fast-Growing Knowledge-Intensive Organisations
15 -- 27Julien PĂ©nin. Three Consequences of Considering Innovation as a Collective Process and Knowledge as a Collective Good
29 -- 36Suleiman H. Mustafa. Combining n-Grams and Stemming for Arabic Word-Based Inexact Matching and Term Conflation
37 -- 46Princely Ifinedo. Uncertainties and Risks in the Implementation of an E-Learning Information Systems Project in a Higher-Learning Environment: Viewpoints from Estonia
47 -- 59Ahmed A. S. Seleim, Ahmed S. Ashour, Omar E. M. Khalil. Knowledge Documentation and Application in Egyptian Software Firms
61 -- 62Madanmohan Rao. Book Review: cross-Cultural Management: a Knowledge Management Perspective , Nigel Holden
63 -- 65Madanmohan Rao. Book Review: the Executive s Role in Knowledge Management , Carla O dell
67 -- 69Madanmohan Rao. Book Review: from Global to Metanational: How Companies Win in the Knowledge Economy , Yves Doz, Jose Santos and Peter Williamson