- Sundeep Singh Sondhi, Prashant Salwan, Abhishek Behl, Suman Niranjan, Timothy Hawkins. Evaluation of strategic orientation-led competitive advantage: the role of knowledge integration and service innovation. J. Knowledge Management, 28(7):1937-1962, 2024.
- Yunlong Duan, Meng Yang, Hanxiao Liu, Tachia Chin. How does digital transformation affect innovation in knowledge-intensive business services firms? The moderating effect of R&D collaboration portfolio. J. Knowledge Management, 28(4):994-1019, 2024.
- Ramiz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Ishfaq Ahmad, Jaroslav Belas, Enrico Battisti, Gabriele Santoro. Green learning orientation and corporate environmental performance: the mediation role of green knowledge acquisition-management and the moderating role of CEO-gender. J. Knowledge Management, 28(7):1996-2012, 2024.
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- Ding Nan. How intrafirm collaboration network influences a firm's new knowledge search? Longitudinal evidence from the US biotechnology industry. J. Knowledge Management, 28(1):96-117, 2024.
- Tasneem Fatima, Afshan Masood. Impact of digital leadership on open innovation: a moderating serial mediation model. J. Knowledge Management, 28(1):161-180, 2024.
- Chi Minh Pham, Sachithra Lokuge, Thanh Thuy Nguyen, Arthur Adamopoulos. Exploring knowledge management enablers for blockchain-enabled food supply chain implementations. J. Knowledge Management, 28(1):210-231, 2024.
- Divya Mishra, Nidhi Maheshwari. Crowdsourcing-based social linkage and organizational innovation competence: knowledge transfer effectiveness and absorptive capacity as serial mediators. J. Knowledge Management, 28(7):2013-2037, 2024.
- Ganli Liao, Mengyao Li, Yi Li, Jielin Yin. How does knowledge hiding play a role in the relationship between leader-member exchange differentiation and employee creativity? A cross-level model. J. Knowledge Management, 28(1):69-84, 2024.
- Chunhsien Wang, Tachia Chin, Yuan Yin Chiew, Cinzia Capalbo. How geographic diversity and collaborative breadth prevent knowledge leakage during open innovation processes. J. Knowledge Management, 28(3):743-762, 2024.