Journal: J. Language Modelling

Volume 3, Issue 2

317 -- 344Paola Merlo. Predicting Word Order Universals
345 -- 375Giorgio Magri. How to keep the HG weights non-negative: the truncated Perceptron reweighing rule
377 -- 412Mary Dalrymple, Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King. Economy of Expression as a principle of syntax
413 -- 462John J. Lowe. Complex predicates: an LFG+glue analysis
463 -- 512Berthold Crysmann. Representing morphological tone in a computational grammar of Hausa
513 -- 568Michael Hahn, Frank Richter. Henkin semantics for reasoning with natural language
569 -- 599Yanhui Zhang. Entropic evolution of lexical richness of homogeneous texts over time: A dynamic complexity perspective