Journal: J. Org. Computing and E. Commerce

Volume 20, Issue 3

213 -- 233Kyung-kyu Kim, Ho Kyoung Shin, Myeong-Ho Lee. The Influence of Partner Knowledge Complementarities on the Effectiveness of IT Outsourcing
234 -- 256Walter D. Fernández, Sigi Goode, Miranda Robinson. Uneasy Alliances: Tradition and ICT Transformation in the Value Chain
257 -- 278Gee-Woo Bock, Mimrah Mahmood, Sanjeev Sharma, Youn Jung Kang. The Impact of Information Overload and Contribution Overload on Continued Usage of Electronic Knowledge Repositories
279 -- 293Hans Solli-Sæther, Petter Gottschalk. The Modeling Process for Stage Models