Journal: J. Comput. Science

Volume 1, Issue 4

189 -- 0Peter M. A. Sloot. Computational science: A kaleidoscopic view into science
190 -- 196A. Abbasi, B. Vosoughi Vahdat. A non-iterative linear inverse solution for the block approach in EIT
197 -- 205Huiru Zheng, Haiying Wang, Francisco Azuaje. eNelator: A simulation system for large-scale vulnerability analysis of species-, disease- and process-specific protein networks
206 -- 220Nanyan Jiang, Manish Parashar. A programming system for sensor-based scientific applications
221 -- 228Alberto Tofani, Elisa Castorini, Paolo Palazzari, Andrij Usov, Césaire Beyel, Erich Rome, Paolo Servillo. An ontological approach to simulate critical infrastructures
229 -- 237Germán Bianchini, Mónica Denham, Ana Cortés, Tomàs Margalef, Emilio Luque. Wildland fire growth prediction method based on Multiple Overlapping Solution

Volume 1, Issue 3

131 -- 0Peter M. A. Sloot. The cross-disciplinary road to true computational science
132 -- 145Duygu Balcan, Bruno Gonçalves, Hao Hu, Jose J. Ramasco, Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Vespignani. Modeling the spatial spread of infectious diseases: The GLobal Epidemic and Mobility computational model
146 -- 149Yiming Chen, Yongbing Wu, Yuhuan Cui, Zhuangzhuang Wang, Dongmei Jin. Wavelet method for a class of fractional convection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients
150 -- 158Themistoklis Glavelis, Nikolaos Ploskas, Nikolaos Samaras. A computational evaluation of some free mathematical software for scientific computing
159 -- 167Noura Beji, Bassem Jarboui, Mansour Eddaly, Habib Chabchoub. A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Redundancy Allocation Problem
168 -- 174Martin J. Chorley, David W. Walker. Performance analysis of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP application on multi-core clusters
175 -- 186Andrew Adamatzky. On excitable β-skeletons

Volume 1, Issue 2

63 -- 74Daniel J. Fenn, Zhenyuan Zhao, Pak Ming Hui, Neil F. Johnson 0002. Competitive carbon emission yields the possibility of global self-control
75 -- 81Luciano De Tommasi, Madeleine Gibescu, Arno J. Brand. A dynamic wind farm aggregate model for the simulation of power fluctuations due to wind turbulence
82 -- 88James Southern, Gerard J. Gorman, M. D. Piggott, Patrick E. Farrell, Miguel O. Bernabeu, Joe Pitt-Francis. Simulating cardiac electrophysiology using anisotropic mesh adaptivity
89 -- 97Darius Buntinas, Alexis J. Malozemoff, Jean Utke. Multithreaded derivative computation with generated libraries
98 -- 106Leifur Þ. Leifsson, Slawomir Koziel. Multi-fidelity design optimization of transonic airfoils using physics-based surrogate modeling and shape-preserving response prediction
107 -- 114Andre J. Aberer, Nicholas D. Pattengale, Alexandros Stamatakis. Parallelized phylogenetic post-analysis on multi-core architectures
115 -- 120Yang Cai, Rafael de M. Franco, Manuel García-Herranz. Visual latency-based interactive visualization for digital forensics
121 -- 129Anna T. Lawniczak, Shengkun Xie. Impact of source load and routing on QoS of packets delivery

Volume 1, Issue 1

1 -- 2Edward Seidel, Jeannette M. Wing. Preface
3 -- 4Peter M. A. Sloot, Peter Coveney, Jack Dongarra. Preface
6 -- 12Andreas Alexander Albrecht, Leonidas Kapsokalivas, Kathleen Steinhöfel. Uphill unfolding of native protein conformations in cubic lattices
13 -- 23L. Fazendeiro, Bruce M. Boghosian, Peter V. Coveney, J. Lätt. Unstable periodic orbits in weak turbulence
24 -- 32Carmen Pellicer-Lostao, Ricardo López-Ruiz. A chaotic gas-like model for trading markets
33 -- 40Arno Leist, Daniel P. Playne, Ken A. Hawick. Interactive visualisation of spins and clusters in regular and small-world Ising models with CUDA on GPUs
41 -- 47David Abramson, Blair Bethwaite, Colin Enticott, Slavisa Garic, Tom Peachey, Anushka Michailova, Saleh Amirriazi. Embedding optimization in computational science workflows
48 -- 54Maciej Paszynski, David Pardo, Anna Paszynska. Parallel multi-frontal solver for p adaptive finite element modeling of multi-physics computational problems
55 -- 61J. Russell Manson, Robert J. Olsen. Diagnostics and rubrics for assessing learning across the computational science curriculum