- Simon Waddington, Jun Zhang, Gareth Knight, Mark Hedges, Jens Jensen, Roger Downing. Kindura: Repository services for researchers based on hybrid clouds. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Chris Awre, Tom Cramer. Building the Hydra Together: Enhancing Repository Provision through Multi-Institution Collaboration. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Peter Nuernberg, John J. Leggett, Mark McFarland. Cloud as Infrastructure at the Texas Digital Library. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Simon Waddington, Richard Green, Chris Awre. CLIF: Moving repositories upstream in the content lifecycle. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Matteo Bertazzo, Angela Di Iorio. Preserving and delivering audiovisual content integrating Fedora Commons and MediaMosa. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Stuart Lewis, Kim Shepherd, Yin Yin Latt, Andrea Schweer, Adam Field. Repository as a Service (RaaS). J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Alexander Ball, Mansur J. Darlington, Thomas Howard, Chris A. McMahon, Steve J. Culley. Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Management. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Mark Hedges, Tobias Blanke, Stella Fabiane, Gareth Knight, Eric Liao. Sheer Curation of Experiments: Data, Process, Provenance. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Elias Tzoc. Document Viewers for Non-Born-Digital Files in DSpace. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.
- Sam E. Adams, Peter Murray-Rust. Chempound - a Web 2.0-inspired repository for physical science data. J. Digit. Inf., 13(1), 2012.