Journal: Journal of Object Technology

Volume 4, Issue 2

7 -- 14Dave A. Thomas. Going Open Source Software in IT - Opportunities and Challenges
15 -- 26Anthony J. H. Simons. The Theory of Classification, Part 17: Multiple Inheritance and the Resolution of Inheritance Conflicts
27 -- 40Douglas A. Lyon. Java Optimization for Superscalar and Vector Architectures
41 -- 48Won Kim. On Metadata Management Technology: Status and Issues
49 -- 58John D. McGregor. Metrics
59 -- 80Richard Wiener. Generic Red-Black Tree and its C# Implementation
81 -- 108David Johnson. Association Implementation
109 -- 130Herbert Toth. On theory and practice of Assertion Based Software Development
151 -- 156Keehang Kwon. Acessing Objects Locally in Object-Oriented Languages
157 -- 178Liwu Li. Implementing the p-Calculus in Java
179 -- 180Charles Ashbacher. The IT Career Builder s Toolkit , by Matthew Moran