- Anthony Wambua Wambua. What Do Flutter Developers Ask About? An Empirical Study on Stack Overflow Posts. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Luis Paulo da Silva Carvalho, Thiago Souto Mendes, Felipe Gustavo de Souza Gomes, Sávio Freire, Renato Lima Novais, Manoel G. Mendonça. Using Third-Party Components' Metadata to Analyze Cross-cutting Concerns. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Diego N. Feijó, Carlos Diego Andrade de Almeida, Lincoln S. Rocha. Studying the Impact of CI/CD Adoption on Atoms of Confusion Distribution and Prevalence in Open-Source Projects. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Heleno de S. Campos Junior, Gleiph Ghiotto Lima de Menezes, Márcio de Oliveira Barros, André van der Hoek, Leonardo Gresta Paulino Murta. How code composition strategies affect merge conflict resolution?. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Samuel Amorim, Leo Fernandes, Márcio Ribeiro 0001, Rohit Gheyi, Márcio E. Delamaro, Marcio Augusto Guimarães, André L. M. Santos. Reducing Manual Efforts in Equivalence Analysis in Mutation Testing. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Luiz Paulo Carvalho, José Antonio Suzano, Thaís Batista, Flávia Maria Santoro, Jonice Oliveira. Ethics: What is the Brazilian Software Engineering Research Scenario?. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Vinicius H. S. Durelli, Wagner Lancetti, André Takeshi Endo, Fabiano Cutigi Ferrari. The Most In-Demand Soft Skills for QA Professionals in Brazil. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Rodrigo Lima, Jairo Souza, Baldoino Fonseca, Leopoldo Teixeira, Rafael Maiani de Mello, Márcio Ribeiro 0001, Rohit Gheyi, Alessandro F. Garcia 0001. Investigating the Social Representations of Harmful Code. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Sávio Freire, Nicolli Rios, Boris Pérez, Camilo Castellanos, Darío Correal, Robert Ramac, Vladimir Mandic, Nebojsa Tausan, Gustavo López 0001, Alexia Pacheco, Manoel G. Mendonça, Davide Falessi, Clemente Izurieta, Carolyn Seaman, Rodrigo O. Spínola. Hearing the Voice of Software Practitioners on Technical Debt Monitoring: Understanding Monitoring Practices and the Practices' Avoidance Reasons. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.
- Luiz Eduardo Galvão Martins. From Textual to Formal Requirements: A Case Study Using Spectra in Safety-Critical Systems Domain. J. Software Eng. R\&D, 12(1), 2024.