Journal: JSTA

Volume 15, Issue 4

313 -- 325Mahmoud M. Mansour, Mohammad Ahsanullah, Zohdy M. Nofal, Omar H. Khalaf. Geometric Power Lindley Poisson Distribution: Properties and Applications
326 -- 344Ahmed Z. Afify, Haitham M. Yousof, G. G. Hamedani, Gokarna R. Aryal. The ExponentiatedWeibull-Pareto Distribution with Application
345 -- 366Omar M. Bdair, Mohammad Z. Raqab. One-sequence and two-sequence prediction for future Weibull records
367 -- 372Sevgi Yurt Oncel, Fazil Aliev. Characterizations of Geometric and Discrete Pareto Distributions Based on the Conditional Distribution of
373 -- 386Sayed Jamal Mirkamali, Mojtaba Ganjali. A Bayesian Joint Modeling Using Gaussian Linear Latent Variables for Mixed Correlated Outcomes with Possibility of Missing Values
387 -- 399Muhammad Akram, M. Ishaq Bhatti, Muhammad Ashfaq, Asif Ali Khan. New approach to Forecasting Agro-based statistical models
400 -- 404Rahul Bhattacharya. Characterizing Non-nesting for the Neyman-Pearson Family of Tests
405 -- 423S. Hossain, M. Ghahramani. Shrinkage Estimation of Linear Regression Models with GARCH Errors
424 -- 433Sibnarayan Guria, Sugata Sen Roy. Diagnostics of a Multiresponse Regression Model with Autocorrelated Errors

Volume 15, Issue 3

207 -- 213Mohammad Ahsanullah. Some Inferences on Semicircular Distribution
214 -- 220Khalil Shafie, Akbar Abravesh. RKHS approach for signal detection in rotation and scale space random fields
221 -- 236Taban Baghfalaki, Mojtaba Ganjali, Damon Berridge. Missing Value Imputation for RNA-Sequencing Data Using Statistical Models: A Comparative Study
237 -- 247Kiyotaka Iki, Takahiro Suto, Sadao Tomizawa. A generalized asymmetry model for square contingency tables with ordered categories
248 -- 258Manoj Chacko. Ordered extreme ranked set sampling and its application in parametric estimation
259 -- 272Jagdish Saran, Kamal Nain. Recurrence Relations for Marginal and Joint Moment Generating Functions of Generalized Order Statistics from a New Class of Pareto Distributions
273 -- 285C. Satheesh Kumar, A. Riyaz. The Alpha-Logarithmic Series Distribution of Order
286 -- 295Nasr Ibrahim Rashwan. A Note on Kumaraswamy Exponentiated Rayleigh distribution
296 -- 312Muhammad Shuaib Khan, Robert King, Irene Lena Hudson. Three parameter Transmuted Rayleigh distribution with application to Reliability data

Volume 15, Issue 2

108 -- 114Abbas Rasouli, S. Samadi, Mohammad Ahsanullah. Characterizing Distributions by Linearity of Regression of Generalized Order Statistics
115 -- 124G. G. Hamedani, Miroslav M. Ristic. Moments of Record Values and Characterizations of Marshall-Olkin Extended Distribution
125 -- 141I. Elbatal, M. M. Mansour, Mohammad Ahsanullah. The Additive Weibull-Geometric Distribution: Theory and Applications
142 -- 152Ehsan Zamanzade, Mohammad Mohammadi. Some Modified Mean Estimators in Ranked Set Sampling Using a Covariate
153 -- 160Jozef Komorník, Magda Komorníková, Jana Kalická, Cuong Nguyen. Tail dependence of perturbed copulas
161 -- 168Ahmed M. Gadallah. Testing
169 -- 180Vahid Nekoukhou, Hamid Bidram. Exponential-Discrete Generalized Exponential Distribution: A New Compound Model
181 -- 195Nayereh Bagheri Khoolenjani, Fateme Shahsanaie. Estimating the parameter of Exponential distribution under Type-II censoring from fuzzy data
196 -- 205Artur J. Lemonte. A note on the Fisher information matrix of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
206 -- 0Miroslav M. Ristic. Letter to the Editor

Volume 15, Issue 1

1 -- 7Mohammad Ahsanullah, S. M. Ananjevskii, Valery B. Nevzorov. Characterizations of Distributions Based on Properties of Exponentially Shifted Records
8 -- 24J. A. Rodrigues, A. P. C. M. Silva, G. G. Hamedani. The Exponentiated Kumaraswamy InverseWeibull Distribution with Application in Survival Analysis
25 -- 35R. Vani Lakshmi, V. S. Vaidyanathan. Parameter Estimation in Gamma Mixture Model using Normal-based Approximation
36 -- 46Sanjeev V. Sabnis, Mayank Jain, Kartik Verma. EM Algorithm and Positive Quadrant Dependence in the context of Multi-State Stress-Strength Model
47 -- 60T. Princy. Pathway Extension of Weibull-Gamma Model
61 -- 79M. H. Tahir, M. Adnan Hussain, Gauss M. Cordeiro, G. G. Hamedani, Muhammad Mansoor, Muhammad Zubair. The Gumbel-Lomax Distribution: Properties and Applications
80 -- 95Anu Chhabra, B. K. Dass, Samridhi Mehta. Multi-stage Optional Unrelated Question RRT Model
96 -- 107Fanny Leroy, Jean-Yves Dauxois, Pascale Tubert-Bitter. On the Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Independent but Non-identically Distributed Observations with Application to Truncated Data