Journal: Knowl.-Based Syst.

Volume 21, Issue 5

363 -- 370Olgierd Unold, Krzysztof Tuszynski. Mining knowledge from data using Anticipatory Classifier System
371 -- 376Yevgen Biletskiy, Girish R. Ranganathan. An Invertebrate Semantic/Software Application Development Framework for knowledge-based systems
377 -- 382Majid Soleimani-Damaneh. Modified big-M method to recognize the infeasibility of linear programming models
383 -- 390Yi-Chung Hu. Incorporating a non-additive decision making method into multi-layer neural networks and its application to financial distress analysis
391 -- 397Milko Marinov. Using frames for knowledge representation in a CORBA-based distributed environment
398 -- 403Xia Wang, Wenxiu Zhang. Relations of attribute reduction between object and property oriented concept lattices
404 -- 414David Patterson, Niall Rooney, Mykola Galushka, Vladimir Dobrynin, Elena Smirnova. SOPHIA-TCBR: A knowledge discovery framework for textual case-based reasoning
415 -- 420Chui Young Yoon. A structural model of end-user computing competency and user performance
421 -- 428Pietari Pulkkinen, Mikko Laurikkala, Aino Ropponen, Hannu Koivisto. Quality management in GPRS networks with fuzzy case-based reasoning
429 -- 433Kai-She Qu, Yan-Hui Zhai. Generating complete set of implications for formal contexts
434 -- 442ZhengYou Xia. Fighting criminals: Adaptive inferring and choosing the next investigative objects in the criminal network