Journal: Knowl.-Based Syst.

Volume 22, Issue 8

557 -- 561Yun-Long Liu, Ren-Hou Li. Discovery and learning of models with predictive state representations for dynamical systems without reset
562 -- 568Jiani Hu, Weihong Deng, Jun Guo, Weiran Xu. Learning a locality discriminating projection for classification
569 -- 579Jihong Guan, Yanglan Gan, Hao Wang. Discovering pattern-based subspace clusters by pattern tree
580 -- 588Shiuan Wan, Tsu Chiang Lei. A knowledge-based decision support system to analyze the debris-flow problems at Chen-Yu-Lan River, Taiwan
589 -- 599Mark Hoogendoorn, Catholijn M. Jonker, Peter-Paul van Maanen, Jan Treur. Agent-based analysis and simulation of meta-reasoning processes in strategic naval planning
600 -- 609John S. Gero, Gregory J. Smith. Context, situations, and design agents
610 -- 621John S. Gero, Wei Peng. Understanding behaviors of a constructive memory agent: A markov chain analysis
622 -- 632Feyza Gürbüz, Lale Özbakir, Hüseyin Yapici. Classification rule discovery for the aviation incidents resulted in fatality