Journal: Knowledge Eng. Review

Volume 6, Issue 2

59 -- 95Tomas Sokolnicki. Towards knowledge-based tutors: a survey and appraisal of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
97 -- 120Christine W. Chan, Izak Benbasat. Case research on knowledge acquisition: observations and lessons
121 -- 122Kenneth J. Gilhooly. Cognitive science in medicine: biomedical modeling edited by DA Evans and VL Patel 1989, MIT Press, Cambridge: MA, USA, pp 421, £31.50
122 -- 123Mark Thomas, Ernst Young. Knowledge based management support systems edited by GI Doukidis, F Land and G Miller. Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chichester 1989, pp 356, £39.95
123 -- 124Enrico W. Coiera. Causal AI models: steps toward application edited by Werner Horn. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 1990, pp 319, hardcover £36.00
124 -- 127Ian M. Neale. Analysis for knowledge-based systems: a practical guide to the KADS methodology by FR Hickman, JL Killin, L Land, T Mulhall, D Porter and RM Taylor, 1989. Ellis Horwood: Chichester, UK, pp 190, £24.95
127 -- 129Elpida Keravnou. Abductive inference models for diagnostic problem-solving by Yun Peng and James A. Reggia, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp 268
129 -- 130Saki. HERMES and the golden thinking machine by Alexander Tzonis
130 -- 131Terri Lydiard. Artificial intelligence - concepts and applications in engineering by A. R. Mirzai (Ed.), Chapman and Hall, London, 1990, pp 304, £25.00
131 -- 132Darren Van Laar. Envisioning information by E. R. Tufte, Graphics Press, London, 1990, pp 126, £30
132 -- 133Paul Refenes. Reasoning and revision in hybrid representation systems by Bernhard Nevel, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp 270, DM 42
133 -- 135Elpida Keravnou. KARDIO: a study in deep and qualitative knowledge for expert systems by Ivan Bratko, Igor Mozetic and Nada Lavrac, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989, pp 260
136 -- 137John Manley. Intelligent data handling by S. Murdoch and L. Johnson, Chapman and Hall, London, 1990, pp 177, £25
137 -- 141Gerard Salton. An introduction to text processing by Peter D. Smith, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990, pp 300