Journal: Knowledge Eng. Review

Volume 8, Issue 4

281 -- 284Sture Hägglund. Introducing expert critiquing systems
285 -- 307Gerhard Fischer, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Jonathan L. Ostwald, Gerry Stahl, Tamara Sumner. Embedding critics in design environments
309 -- 328Barry G. Silverman, R. Gregory Wenig. Engineering experts critics for cooperative systems
329 -- 347Ivan Rankin. Natural language generation in critiquing
349 -- 357Dominic A. Clark, Christopher J. Rawlings, Simon Parsons. Current Research in Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology
359 -- 360Antoni Diller. The rediscovery of the mind by R. Searle John, MIT Press, USA, 1992, pp 270, £9.95 (p/back), ISBN 0-262-69154-X
360 -- 361Chris McMahon. Artificial intelligence applications in manufacturing by A. F. Famili, D. S. Nau and S. H. Kim (Eds.), AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1992, pp 455, £35.95, ISBN 0-262-5606606
361 -- 363Richard Cooper. Advances in cognitive science: Volume 2: theory and applications by G. Tiberghien (ed.), Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1989, pp 206, £39.95, ISBN 0-7458-0532-9

Volume 8, Issue 3

187 -- 199Daniel E. O'Leary. Artificial Intelligence in business I: Applications, representation, acquisition and explanation
201 -- 222Andrew M. Dearden, Derek G. Bridge. Choosing a reasoning style for knowledge based system: lessons from supporting a help desk
223 -- 250Nick R. Jennings. Commitments and conventions: The foundation of coordination in multi-agent systems
251 -- 254Joachim Fuchs. 4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based Systems for Space
255 -- 257. Workshop on Using Knowledge in its Context
259 -- 0Peter Pritchard. Artificial intelligence and human institutions by Ennals Richard, Springer-Verlag, London 1991 pp 166, DM84
260 -- 261Richard Cooper. Generating referring expressions by R. Dale, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992; pp 277, £33.75, ISBN 0-262-04128-6

Volume 8, Issue 2

91 -- 120Huaming Lee, James Tannock, Jon Sims Williams. Logic-based reasoning about actions and plans in artificial intelligence
121 -- 143Eric N. Hanson, Jennifer Widom. An overview of production rules in database systems
145 -- 171Petra Bayer. State-of-the-art report on reactive processing in databases and artificial intelligence
173 -- 175Paul J. Krause. Nonmonotonic reasoning: logical foundations of commonsense by Brewka Gerhard, Cambridge University Press, Combridge, 1992, £19.50

Volume 8, Issue 1

1 -- 4Mark A. Musen. There's no theory better than that of a practical tool
5 -- 25William P. Birmingham, Georg Klinker. Knowledge-acquisition tools with explicit problem-solving models
27 -- 47Henrik Eriksson, Mark A. Musen. Conceptual models for automatic generation of knowledge-acquisition tools
49 -- 85Brian R. Gaines, Mildred L. G. Shaw. Knowledge acquisition tools based on personal construct psychology