Journal: Kybernetes

Volume 44, Issue 8/9

0 -- 0. Special issue abstracts
0 -- 0Philip Baron, Ranulph Glanville, David Griffiths, Ben Sweeting. Living in Cybernetics: Papers from the 50th Anniversary Conference of the American Society for Cybernetics
1174 -- 1179Ranulph Glanville. Living in cybernetics
1193 -- 1206Raman Kumar Agrawalla. When Newton meets Heinz Von Foerster, complexity vanishes and simplicity reveals
1207 -- 1218Philip Baron, Anne Catherine Baron. A quantitative examination of two different teaching paradigms in a Germiston based pre-school: A pilot study
1219 -- 1232Peter Cariani. Outline of a cybernetic theory of brain function based on neural timing nets
1233 -- 1239Thomas Fischer. Blind spots obscuring circular causality in design and elsewhere
1240 -- 1250David Griffiths, Timothy Goddard. An explanatory framework for understanding teachers resistance to adopting educational technology
1251 -- 1261Christiane M. Herr. Second-order cellular automata to support designing
1262 -- 1273Michael Hohl. Living in cybernetics: Polynesian voyaging and ecological literacy as models for design education
1274 -- 1283Faisal L. Kadri. The cybernetics of humour: introducing signature analysis to humour research
1284 -- 1297Chathurika Sewwandi Kannangara, David Griffiths, Jerome Carson, Samurdhi Munasinghe. The relevance of cybernetics for a positive psychology approach to dyslexia
1298 -- 1309Cadell Last. Information-energy metasystem model
1310 -- 1323Clarissa Ai Ling Lee. Non-trivial philosophy: Cybernetics, data analytics, and the biophysics of information theory
1324 -- 1330Victor Ronald David MacGill. The Christchurch earthquakes' impact on the Convergence gathering
1331 -- 1340Robert John Martin. The role of experience in the ASC's commitment to engage those outside the cybernetics community in learning cybernetics
1341 -- 1349Albert Müller. Avec un "s": histories of cybernetics and the ASC
1350 -- 1357Kent C. Myers. Change in consciousness as an ecological strategy
1358 -- 1370Lance Nizami. Homunculus strides again: why "information transmitted" in neuroscience tells us nothing
1371 -- 1379Tom Scholte. Proto-cybernetics in the Stanislavski System of acting: Past foundations, present analyses and future prospects
1380 -- 1387Eser Selen. Cybernetic narrative: Modes of circularity, feedback and perception in new media artworks
1388 -- 1396Mateus van Stralen. The machine for living in the conversational age
1397 -- 1405Ben Sweeting. Cybernetics of practice
1406 -- 1418Philip Baron. A challenge to objective perception in hearing and seeing in counselling psychology