Journal: Kybernetika

Volume 23, Issue 1

1 -- 12Ivan Kramosil. Independent and identically distributed pseudo-random samples
13 -- 18Pavol Duris, Juraj Hromkovic. Zerotesting bounded one-way multicounter machines
19 -- 31Milan Medved. On a nonlinear differential game of evasion with constraints
32 -- 43Sergej S. Vojtenko. Existence conditions for stabilizing and antistabilizing solutions to the nonautonomous matrix Riccati differential equation
44 -- 53Graziano Gentili, Daniele C. Struppa. Minimal degree solutions of polynomial equations
54 -- 66JirĂ­ V. Outrata. On numerical solution of optimal control problems with nonsmooth objectives: Application to economic models
67 -- 81Tran Quoc Chien. Perturbation theory of duality in vector optimization via the abstract duality scheme