Journal: Journal of Logic and Computation

Volume 25, Issue 2

243 -- 249Martin W. A. Caminada, Massimiliano Giacomin. Introducing the Special Issue on 20 Years of Argument-Based Inference
251 -- 301Toshiko Wakaki. Preference-based argumentation built from prioritized logic programming
303 -- 333Yining Wu, Mikolaj Podlaszewski. Implementing crash-resistance and non-interference in logic-based argumentation
335 -- 369Staffan Larsson. Formal semantics for perceptual classification
371 -- 403Dennis Ryan Storoshenko, Chung-hye Han. Using synchronous tree adjoining grammar to model the typology of bound variable pronouns
405 -- 441Kuniaki Tamura. μ-calculus
443 -- 451Sven Ove Hansson. Representing supererogation
453 -- 471Zoltán Ésik. Residuated Park theories
473 -- 523Murdoch James Gabbay, Claus-Peter Wirth. Quantifiers in logic and proof-search using permissive-nominal terms and sets