Journal: Logica Universalis

Volume 10, Issue 4

393 -- 405Piotr Blaszczyk, Alexandre V. Borovik, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras S. Kudryk, Semen S. Kutateladze, David Sherry. A Non-Standard Analysis of a Cultural Icon: The Case of Paul Halmos
407 -- 418Fabio Pasquali. A Categorical Interpretation of the Intuitionistic, Typed, First Order Logic with Hilbert's \({\varepsilon}\) -Terms
419 -- 430Manuel Gustavo Isaac. Widersinn in Husserl's Pure Logic
431 -- 516Dov M. Gabbay. Theory of Semi-Instantiation in Abstract Argumentation
517 -- 531Enrique Alvarez-Fontecilla. Canonical Syllogistic Moods in Traditional Aristotelian Logic
533 -- 541Hartley Slater. The Grammar of Platonism

Volume 10, Issue 2-3

135 -- 141Jean-Yves Béziau, Raffaela Giovagnoli. The Vatican Square
143 -- 156Genevieve Lachance. antiphasis)?
157 -- 170Jean-Yves Béziau. Disentangling Contradiction from Contrariety via Incompatibility
171 -- 189Wolfgang Lenzen. Leibniz's Logic and the "Cube of Opposition"
191 -- 213Dale Jacquette. Subalternation and existence presuppositions in an unconventionally formalized canonical square of opposition
215 -- 231Lopamudra Choudhury, Mihir Kumar Chakraborty. Singular Propositions, Negation and the Square of Opposition
233 -- 292Lorenz Demey, Hans Smessaert. Metalogical Decorations of Logical Diagrams
293 -- 312Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska. Logical Squares for Classical Logic Sentences
313 -- 325Claudio Pizzi. Generalization and Composition of Modal Squares of Oppositions
327 -- 338François Lepage. A Square of Oppositions in Intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation
339 -- 357Petra Murinová, Vilém Novák. Syllogisms and 5-Square of Opposition with Intermediate Quantifiers in Fuzzy Natural Logic
359 -- 371Lorenzo Magnani. Violence Hexagon
373 -- 376Frode Bjørdal. Cubes and Hypercubes of Opposition, with Ethical Ruminations on Inviolability
377 -- 392Serge Robert, Janie Brisson. The Klein Group, Squares of Opposition and the Explanation of Fallacies in Reasoning

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 20Florian Rabe. The Future of Logic: Foundation-Independence
21 -- 43D. Y. Maximov. N.A. Vasil'ev's Logical Ideas and the Categorical Semantics of Many-Valued Logic
45 -- 66Matteo Pascucci. A Unified Semantics for a Family of Modal Logics with Propositional Constants
67 -- 97James Trafford. Structuring Co-constructive Logic for Proofs and Refutations
99 -- 134Mathieu Beirlaen, Matthieu Fontaine. Inconsistency-Adaptive Dialogical Logic