Journal: Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Volume 55, Issue 9-10

2029 -- 2039Robert P. Gilbert, Philippe Guyenne, M. Yvonne Ou. A quantitative ultrasound model of the bone with blood as the interstitial fluid
2040 -- 2051H. M. Srivastava, Mohammad Mursaleen, Asif Khan. Generalized equi-statistical convergence of positive linear operators and associated approximation theorems
2052 -- 2060P. Amster, Leonid Berezansky, Lev Idels. Stability of Hahnfeldt angiogenesis models with time lags
2061 -- 2077Thomas Guillon, Yves Dumont, Thierry Fourcaud. A new mathematical framework for modelling the biomechanics of growing trees with rod theory
2078 -- 2086John E. Angus. Inferences on process noise in a linear model
2087 -- 2095Sergey Kovalev, Xavier Delorme, Alexandre Dolgui. Line configuration to minimize setup costs
2096 -- 2105Ravi P. Agarwal, Snezhana Hristova. Quasilinearization for initial value problems involving differential equations with "maxima"