Journal: Medical Image Analysis

Volume 7, Issue 4

401 -- 0Nobuhiko Hata, Gabor Szekeley. Editorial
403 -- 416Arnaud Cachia, Jean-François Mangin, Denis Rivière, Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos, Ferath Kherif, Isabelle Bloch, Jean Régis. A generic framework for the parcellation of the cortical surface into gyri using geodesic Voronoı̈ diagrams
417 -- 423Rasmus Larsen, Klaus Baggesen Hilger. Statistical shape analysis using non-Euclidean metrics
425 -- 433Klaus Baggesen Hilger, Rasmus Larsen, Mark C. Wrobel. Growth modeling of human mandibles using non-Euclidean metrics
435 -- 444Zhenhua Hu, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Leon Axel. In vivo strain and stress estimation of the heart left and right ventricles from MRI images
445 -- 464Pengcheng Shi, Huafeng Liu. Stochastic finite element framework for simultaneous estimation of cardiac kinematic functions and material parameters
465 -- 473Armando Manduca, David S. Lake, S. A. Kruse, Richard L. Ehman. Spatio-temporal directional filtering for improved inversion of MR elastography images
475 -- 488Maxime Sermesant, Clement Forest, Xavier Pennec, Hervé Delingette, Nicholas Ayache. Deformable biomechanical models: Application to 4D cardiac image analysis
489 -- 502Ela Claridge, Symon Cotton, Per Hall, Marc Moncrieff. From colour to tissue histology: Physics-based interpretation of images of pigmented skin lesions
503 -- 511Koen A. Vermeer, Frans M. Vos, Hans Lemij, Albert M. Vossepoel. Detecting glaucomatous wedge shaped defects in polarimetric images
513 -- 527Chris A. Cocosco, Alex P. Zijdenbos, Alan C. Evans. A fully automatic and robust brain MRI tissue classification method
529 -- 537Ning Lin, Weichuan Yu, James S. Duncan. Combinative multi-scale level set framework for echocardiographic image segmentation
539 -- 552Paul P. Wyatt, J. Alison Noble. MAP MRF joint segmentation and registration of medical images
553 -- 564Jun Masumoto, Yoshinobu Sato, Masatoshi Hori, Takamichi Murakami, Takeshi Johkoh, Hironobu Nakamura, Shinichi Tamura. A similarity measure for nonrigid volume registration using known joint distribution of targeted tissue: Application to dynamic CT data of the liver
565 -- 575Emiliano D Agostino, Frederik Maes, Dirk Vandermeulen, Paul Suetens. A viscous fluid model for multimodal non-rigid image registration using mutual information

Volume 7, Issue 3

207 -- 220Martin Styner, Guido Gerig, Jeffrey A. Lieberman, D. Jones, D. Weinberger. Statistical shape analysis of neuroanatomical structures based on medial models
221 -- 236Stefan Burkhardt, Achim Schweikard, Rainer Burgkart. Numerical determination of the susceptibility caused geometric distortions in magnetic resonance imaging
237 -- 250B. Ma, R. E. Ellis. Robust registration for computer-integrated orthopedic surgery: Laboratory validation and clinical experience
251 -- 264Frithjof Kruggel, Martina K. Brückner, Thomas Arendt, Christopher J. Wiggins, D. Yves von Cramon. Analyzing the neocortical fine-structure
265 -- 281Margrit Betke, Harrison Hong, Deborah Thomas, Chekema Prince, Jane P. Ko. Landmark detection in the chest and registration of lung surfaces with an application to nodule registration
283 -- 291Amy E. Kerdok, Stephane Cotin, Mark P. Ottensmeyer, Anna M. Galea, Robert D. Howe, Steven Dawson. Truth cube: Establishing physical standards for soft tissue simulation
293 -- 310Xose Manuel Pardo, Petia Radeva, Diego Cabello. Discriminant snakes for 3D reconstruction of anatomical organs
311 -- 340Christian P. Behrenbruch, Kostas Marias, Paul A. Armitage, Margaret Yam, Niall Moore, Ruth E. English, Jane Clarke, Michael Brady. Fusion of contrast-enhanced breast MR and mammographic imaging data
341 -- 349Attila Frigyesi. An automated method for the detection of pulmonary embolism in V/Q-scans
353 -- 367Igor Dydenko, Denis Friboulet, Jean-Marie Gorce, Jan D hooge, Bart Bijnens, Isabelle E. Magnin. Towards ultrasound cardiac image segmentation based on the radiofrequency signal
369 -- 375Matthias Nahrendorf, Karl-Heinz Hiller, Kai Hu, Georg Ertl, Axel Haase, Wolfgang R. Bauer. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in small animal models of human heart failure
377 -- 389Timo Mäkelä, Quoc-Cuong Pham, Patrick Clarysse, Jukka Nenonen, Jyrki Lötjönen, Outi Sipilä, Helena Hänninen, Kirsi Lauerma, Juhani Knuuti, Toivo Katila, Isabelle E. Magnin. A 3-D model-based registration approach for the PET, MR and MCG cardiac data fusion
391 -- 398Bernhard Tilg, Gerald Fischer, Robert Modre, Friedrich Hanser, Bernd Messnarz, Franz Xaver Roithinger. Electrocardiographic imaging of atrial and ventricular electrical activation

Volume 7, Issue 2

113 -- 130Haili Chui, Lawrence Win, Robert T. Schultz, James S. Duncan, Anand Rangarajan. A unified non-rigid feature registration method for brain mapping
131 -- 151Matthieu Chabanas, Vincent Luboz, Yohan Payan. Patient specific finite element model of the face soft tissues for computer-assisted maxillofacial surgery
155 -- 170Sarang C. Joshi, Peter Lorenzen, Guido Gerig, Elizabeth Bullitt. Structural and radiometric asymmetry in brain images
171 -- 185Anthony J. Yezzi, Lilla Zöllei, Tina Kapur. A variational framework for integrating segmentation and registration through active contours
187 -- 204Paul Sajda, Clay Spence, Lucas C. Parra. A multi-scale probabilistic network model for detection, synthesis and compression in mammographic image analysis

Volume 7, Issue 1

1 -- 20Baba C. Vemuri, J. Ye, Y. Chen, Christiana Morison Leonard. Image registration via level-set motion: Applications to atlas-based segmentation
21 -- 45Thomas B. Sebastian, Hüseyin Tek, Joseph J. Crisco, Benjamin B. Kimia. Segmentation of carpal bones from CT images using skeletally coupled deformable models
47 -- 64Tim K. Lee, David I. McLean, M. Stella Atkins. Irregularity index: A new border irregularity measure for cutaneous melanocytic lesions
65 -- 78Matthias Mitschke, Nassir Navab. Recovering the X-ray projection geometry for three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction with additional sensors: Attached camera versus external navigation system
79 -- 93Andrea Giachetti, Massimiliano Tuveri, Gianluigi Zanetti. Reconstruction and web distribution of measurable arterial models
95 -- 108Konstantinos Rapantzikos, Michalis E. Zervakis, K. Balas. Detection and segmentation of drusen deposits on human retina: Potential in the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration