Journal: MIS Quarterly

Volume 23, Issue 4

0 -- 0Allen S. Lee. Remarks from MIS Quarterly Editor - Editor s Comments
465 -- 495Varun Grover, Pradipkumar Ramanlal. Six Myths of Information and Markets: Information Technology Networks, Electronic Commerce, and The Battle for Consumer Surplus
497 -- 530Shirley Gregor, Izak Benbasat. Explanations From Intelligent Systems: Theoretical Foundations and Implications for Practice
531 -- 555Tarek K. Abdel-Hamid, Kishore Sengupta, Clint Swett. The Impact of Goals On Software Project Management: An Experimental Investigation
557 -- 580Kelly Burke, Laku Chidambaram. How Much Bandwidth Is Enough? A Longitudinal Examination of Media Characteristics and Group Outcomes
581 -- 600David Graham Wastell. Learning Dysfunctions in Information Systems Development: Overcoming The Social Defenses With Transitional Objects
601 -- 624Peter Weill, Michael Vitale. Assessing The Health of An Information Systems Applications Portfolio: An Example From Process Manufacturing

Volume 23, Issue 3

0 -- 0Allen S. Lee. Remarks from MIS Quarterly Editor - Editor s Comments
303 -- 335Omar El Sawy, Arvind Malhotra, Sanjay Gosain, Kerry M. Young. IT-Intensive Value Innovation in the Electronic Economy: Insights From Marshall Industries
337 -- 364Blaize Horner Reich, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown. Seeding the Line: Understanding the Transition From IT to Non-IT Careers
365 -- 395Satish Nambisan, Ritu Agarwal, Mohan Tanniru. Organizational Mechanisms for Enhancing User Innovation in Information Technology
397 -- 420Noam Tractinsky, Joachim Meyer. Chartjunk or Goldgraph? Effects of Presentation Objectives and Content Desirability on Information Presentation
421 -- 454Carol V. Brown. Horizontal Mechanisms Under Differing IS Organization Contexts

Volume 23, Issue 2

0 -- 0Allen S. Lee. Remarks from MIS Quarterly Editor - Editor s Comments
145 -- 158Deborah Compeau, Christopher A. Higgins, Sid L. Huff. Social Cognitive Theory and Individual Reactions to Computing Technology: A Longitudinal Study
159 -- 182Marianne Broadbent, Peter Weill, Don St. Clair. The Implications of Information Technology Infrastructure for Business Process Redesign
183 -- 213Elena Karahanna, Detmar W. Straub, Norman L. Chervany. Information Technology Adoption Across Time: A Cross-Sectional Comparison of Pre-Adoption and Post-Adoption Beliefs
215 -- 237Jeanne W. Ross, Michael Vitale, Cynthia Mathis Beath. The Untapped Potential of IT Chargeback
239 -- 260Viswanath Venkatesh. Creation of Favorable User Perceptions: Exploring the Role of Intrinsic Motivation
261 -- 290V. Sambamurthy, Robert W. Zmud. Arrangements for Information Technology Governance: A Theory of Multiple Contingencies

Volume 23, Issue 1

0 -- 0Izak Benbasat, Robert W. Zmud. Empirical Research in Information Systems: The Practice of Relevance
0 -- 0Allen S. Lee. Remarks from MIS Quarterly Editor - Inaugural Editor s Comments
39 -- 66Geoff Walsham, Sundeep Sahay. GIS for District-Level Administration in India: Problems and Opportunities
67 -- 94Heinz K. Klein, Michael D. Myers. A Set of Principles for Conducting and Evaluating Interpretive Field Studies in Information Systems
95 -- 108Alan R. Dennis, Jay E. Aronson, William G. Heninger, Edward D. Walker II. Structuring Time and Task in Electronic Brainstorming
109 -- 127H. Jeff Smith, John Hasnas. Ethics and Information Systems: The Corporate Domain