Journal: Math. Log. Q.

Volume 38, Issue 1

3 -- 19Pawel Pazdyka. The Preservation of submodel Relation by Taking Primitive Models
21 -- 26Roman Kossak, Henryk Kotlarski. Game Approximations of Satisfaction Classes Models
27 -- 37Gérard Lopez, Claire Rauzy. n - 1) I
39 -- 58Silvio Valentini. The Judgement Calculus for Intuitionistic Linear Logic: Proof Theory and Semantics
59 -- 84Roman Murawski. Iterations of Satisfaction Classes and Models of Peano Arithmetic
85 -- 100Robert A. Bull. Cut Elimination for Propositional Dynamic Logic without
101 -- 106Akito Tsuboi. On Definability of Normal Subgroups of a Superstable Group
107 -- 141Andrea Cantini. Levels of Implication and Type Free Theories of Classifications with Approximation Operator
143 -- 156Franco Parlamento, Alberto Policriti. The Decision Problem for Restricted Universal Quantification in Set Theory and the Axiom of Foundation
157 -- 168Gérard Lopez, Claire Rauzy. n - 1) II
169 -- 178Cristian S. Calude, Gabriel Istrate, Marius Zimand. Recursive Baire Classification and Speedable Functions
179 -- 187Kosta Dosen. A Brief Survey of Frames for the Lambek Calculus
189 -- 195Kyriakos Kontostathis. Topological Framework for Finite Injury
197 -- 201Mingsheng Ying. The Fundamental Theorem of Ultraproduct in Pavelka's Logic
203 -- 208Grzegorz Michalski. On the Iterated ω-Rule
209 -- 212Zhi-Wei Sun. Anew Relation-Combining Theorem and its Application
213 -- 240Anne Preller. An Interpretation of Martin-LöF's Constructive Theory of Types in Elementary Topos Theory
241 -- 246Radosav S. Dordevic. Analytic Completeness Theorem for absolutely Continuous Biprobability Models
247 -- 252Fabio Bellissima, Alessandra Ciupi. On the Inadequacy of the Relational Semantic for the "Until" Operator
253 -- 268Maurizio Negri. Universal Functions in Partial Structures
269 -- 276Yungchen Cheng, Paula Kemp. Representation of Posets
277 -- 282Antonio Greco. A Class of Models for Skala's Set Theory
283 -- 291Cyprien Gnanvo, Pierre Ille. La Reconstruction des tournois sans Diamant
293 -- 298Gregory L. McColm. Some Ramsey Theory in Boolean Algebra for Complexity Classes
299 -- 300Andrei A. Kuzichev. The Ambiguous Type Theory is Hereditarily Undecidable
301 -- 304Kazuyuki Tanaka. A Game-Theoretic Proof of analytic Ramsey Theorem
305 -- 320Qin Jun. An Elementary System as and its Semi-Completeness and Decidability
321 -- 323Dolph Ulrich. On the Incompleteness of a Descending Chain of Extensions of Implicational S5
325 -- 326Martin Weese. A Direct Proof of a Result of Shelah
327 -- 344B. Herrmann, Wolfgang Rautenberg. Finite Replacement and Finite Hilbert-Style Axiomatizability
345 -- 348Victor Pambuccian. Ternary Operations as Primitive Notions for Plane Geometry II
349 -- 359Caterina Bianchini, Andrea Sorbi. Reducibility in Some Categories of Partial Recursive Operators
361 -- 372Gabriel Sandu, Jouko Väänänen. Partially Ordered Connectives
373 -- 382Klaus Schumacher. Boolean Algebras in AST
383 -- 385Bernhard Banaschewski. Algebraic Closure without Choice
387 -- 398Karl-Heinz Diener. On the Transitive Hull of a κ-Narrow Relation
399 -- 408Tapani Hyttinen. On Non-Determined Ehrenfeucht-FRAïSSé Games and unstable Theories
409 -- 412Branislav R. Boricic. On Some Interpretations of Classical Logic
413 -- 421Piotr Koszmider. A Formalism for Some Class of Forcing Notions
423 -- 430Karol Habart. Bounds in the Turing Reducibility of Functions
431 -- 456Helmut Pfeiffer. A Notation System for Ordinal Using ψ-Functions on Inaccessible Mahlo numbers
457 -- 490Jean Guillaume Hagendorf. Restriction Respectueuse et Reconstruction des chaines et des Relations Infinites
491 -- 499Geir Waagbø. Quantified Modal Logic with Neighborhood Semantics
501 -- 507Wojciech Zielonka. Interdefinability of Lambekian Functors
509 -- 519Barbara Klunder. Topos Based Semantic for Constructive Logic with Strong Negation
521 -- 524Mingsheng Ying. Compactness, the LöWenheim-Skolem Property and the Direct Product of Lattices of Truth Values
525 -- 528Frederick Bagemihl. Ordinal numbers in Arithmetic Progression
529 -- 534Norbert Brunner, Paul Howard. Russell's Alternative to the Axiom of Choice
535 -- 550Paolo Gentilini. Provability Logic in the Gentzen Formulation of Arithmetic
551 -- 554Takao Inoué. Flagg and Friedman's Translation is not Faithful
555 -- 557Eric Schechter. Two Topological Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice
559 -- 574Michael Deutsch. Ein neuer Beweis und eine Verschärfung für den Reduktionstyp ∀∃∀∞(0, 1) mit einer Anwendung auf die spektrale Darstellung von Prädikaten
575 -- 577Andrey A. Kuzichev. Elimination of Quantifiers over Vectors in Some Theories of Vector Spaces