Journal: Math. Oper. Res.

Volume 35, Issue 3

513 -- 526Noga Alon, Michal Feldman, Ariel D. Procaccia, Moshe Tennenholtz. Strategyproof Approximation of the Minimax on Networks
527 -- 558Avi Mandelbaum, Kavita Ramanan. Directional Derivatives of Oblique Reflection Maps
559 -- 579Frank Thomas Seifried. Optimal Investment for Worst-Case Crash Scenarios: A Martingale Approach
580 -- 602Dimitris Bertsimas, Xuan Vinh Doan, Karthik Natarajan, Chung-Piaw Teo. Models for Minimax Stochastic Linear Optimization Problems with Risk Aversion
603 -- 623Michele Conforti, Laurence A. Wolsey, Giacomo Zambelli. Projecting an Extended Formulation for Mixed-Integer Covers on Bipartite Graphs
624 -- 640Mathieu Faure, Gregory Roth. Stochastic Approximations of Set-Valued Dynamical Systems: Convergence with Positive Probability to an Attractor
641 -- 654D. Leventhal, A. S. Lewis. Randomized Methods for Linear Constraints: Convergence Rates and Conditioning
655 -- 668Xujin Chen, Zhibin Chen, Wenan Zang. A Unified Approach to Box-Mengerian Hypergraphs
669 -- 703Otis B. Jennings. Averaging Principles for a Diffusion-Scaled, Heavy-Traffic Polling Station with ::::K:::: Job Classes
704 -- 720Amitabh Basu, Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, Giacomo Zambelli. Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets in Linear Subspaces