Journal: Math. Oper. Res.

Volume 4, Issue 3

209 -- 214Richard Asmuth, B. Curtis Eaves, Elmor L. Peterson. Computing Economic Equilibria on Affine Networks with Lemke's Algorithm
215 -- 224Clyde L. Monma, Jeffrey B. Sidney. Sequencing with Series-Parallel Precedence Constraints
225 -- 232Cyrus Derman, D. R. Smith. Renewal Decision Problem-Random Horizon
233 -- 235Vasek Chvatal. A Greedy Heuristic for the Set-Covering Problem
236 -- 264Abraham Neyman, Yair Tauman. The Partition Value
265 -- 267Nimrod Megiddo, Zvi Galil. On Fulkerson's Conjecture About Consistent Labeling Processes
268 -- 273O. L. Mangasarian. Simplified Characterizations of Linear Complementarity Problems Solvable as Linear Programs
274 -- 290Aram K. Kevorkian. The Principal Maxmin Matrix Transversal Strategy
291 -- 302Shih-Ping Han. Penalty Lagrangian Methods Via a Quasi-Newton Approach