Journal: Math. Oper. Res.

Volume 39, Issue 4

949 -- 966Lars Ehlers, Bettina Klaus. Strategy-Proofness Makes the Difference: Deferred-Acceptance with Responsive Priorities
967 -- 997Gábor Bartók, Dean P. Foster, Dávid Pál, Alexander Rakhlin, Csaba Szepesvári. Partial Monitoring - Classification, Regret Bounds, and Algorithms
998 -- 1011Anupam Gupta, Viswanath Nagarajan. Approximating Sparse Covering Integer Programs Online
1012 -- 1038Chaithanya Bandi, Dimitris Bertsimas. Optimal Design for Multi-Item Auctions: A Robust Optimization Approach
1039 -- 1056Van Anh Truong. Approximation Algorithm for the Stochastic Multiperiod Inventory Problem via a Look-Ahead Optimization Approach
1057 -- 1083Andrey Bernstein, Shie Mannor, Nahum Shimkin. Opportunistic Approachability and Generalized No-Regret Problems
1084 -- 1108Ke Hou, Anthony Man-Cho So. p-Ball Constrained Homogeneous Polynomial Optimization Problems
1109 -- 1141Roger J. A. Laeven, Mitja Stadje. Robust Portfolio Choice and Indifference Valuation
1142 -- 1178Jose H. Blanchet, Henry Lam. Rare-Event Simulation for Many-Server Queues
1179 -- 1197Zhijie Tao, Sean X. Zhou. Approximation Balancing Policies for Inventory Systems with Remanufacturing
1198 -- 1220Peter Kratz. An Explicit Solution of a Nonlinear-Quadratic Constrained Stochastic Control Problem with Jumps: Optimal Liquidation in Dark Pools with Adverse Selection
1221 -- 1243Daniel Russo, Benjamin Van Roy. Learning to Optimize via Posterior Sampling
1244 -- 1251Dongdong Ge, Guohua Wan, Zizhuo Wang, Jiawei Zhang. A Note on Appointment Scheduling with Piecewise Linear Cost Functions
1252 -- 1296Ragavendran Gopalakrishnan, Jason R. Marden, Adam Wierman. Necessary to Ensure Pure Nash Equilibria in Cost Sharing Games
1297 -- 1310Nicole Megow, Tjark Vredeveld. A Tight 2-Approximation for Preemptive Stochastic Scheduling
1311 -- 1329Endre Boros, Andrea Scozzari, Fabio Tardella, Pierangela Veneziani. Polynomially Computable Bounds for the Probability of the Union of Events
1330 -- 1339Kanstantsin Pashkovich. Tight Lower Bounds on the Sizes of Symmetric Extensions of Permutahedra and Similar Results
1340 -- 1348Karim A. Adiprasito, Bruno Benedetti. The Hirsch Conjecture Holds for Normal Flag Complexes

Volume 39, Issue 3

597 -- 606B. Curtis Eaves, Arthur F. Veinott Jr.. Maximum-Stopping-Value Policies in Finite Markov Population Decision Chains
607 -- 623B. Curtis Eaves, Uriel G. Rothblum. An Exact Correspondence of Linear Problems and Randomizing Linear Algorithms
624 -- 646Patrick Jaillet, Xin Lu. Online Stochastic Matching: New Algorithms with Better Bounds
647 -- 655Donald G. Saari. A New Way to Analyze Paired Comparison Rules
656 -- 671Pavlos Eirinakis, Dimitris Magos, Ioannis Mourtos, Panayiotis Miliotis. Polyhedral Aspects of Stable Marriage
672 -- 696Rami Atar, Haya Kaspi, Nahum Shimkin. Fluid Limits for Many-Server Systems with Reneging Under a Priority Policy
697 -- 711Steve Alpern, Thomas Lidbetter. Searching a Variable Speed Network
712 -- 721Miquel Oliu-Barton. The Asymptotic Value in Finite Stochastic Games
722 -- 736Ning Chen, Nick Gravin, Pinyan Lu. Truthful Generalized Assignments via Stable Matching
737 -- 745Efe A. Ok, Gil Riella. Topological Closure of Translation Invariant Preorders
746 -- 774Maria Remerova, Josh Reed, Bert Zwart. Fluid Limits for Bandwidth-Sharing Networks with Rate Constraints
775 -- 788Bo Jiang, Simai He, Zhening Li, Shuzhong Zhang. Moments Tensors, Hilbert's Identity, and k-wise Uncorrelated Random Variables
789 -- 822Ning Cai, Chenxu Li, Chao Shi. Closed-Form Expansions of Discretely Monitored Asian Options in Diffusion Models
823 -- 840Karen Aardal, Frederik von Heymann. On the Structure of Reduced Kernel Lattice Bases
841 -- 850Roland Hildebrand. Canonical Barriers on Convex Cones
851 -- 862Naoyuki Kamiyama. A New Approach to the Pareto Stable Matching Problem
863 -- 888Arnoud V. den Boer. Dynamic Pricing with Multiple Products and Partially Specified Demand Distribution
889 -- 907Simai He, Bo Jiang, Zhening Li, Shuzhong Zhang. Probability Bounds for Polynomial Functions in Random Variables
908 -- 929Anup Biswas. Risk-Sensitive Control for the Multiclass Many-Server Queues in the Moderate Deviation Regime
930 -- 948Yanjun Li. The Nonnegative Node Weight j-Restricted k-Matching Problems

Volume 39, Issue 2

229 -- 261David Gamarnik, David A. Goldberg, Theophane Weber. Correlation Decay in Random Decision Networks
262 -- 289Amarjit Budhiraja, Jiang Chen, Sylvain Rubenthaler. A Numerical Scheme for Invariant Distributions of Constrained Diffusions
290 -- 300Shiri Alon. Derivation of a Cardinal Utility Through a Weak Trade-off Consistency Requirement
301 -- 324Boris S. Mordukhovich, T. T. A. Nghia. Nonsmooth Cone-Constrained Optimization with Applications to Semi-Infinite Programming
325 -- 373Itai Gurvich, Junfei Huang, Avishai Mandelbaum. Excursion-Based Universal Approximations for the Erlang-A Queue in Steady-State
374 -- 402Daniel Adelman, Christiane Barz. A Unifying Approximate Dynamic Programming Model for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem
403 -- 417Frans Schalekamp, David P. Williamson, Anke van Zuylen. 2-Matchings, the Traveling Salesman Problem, and the Subtour LP: A Proof of the Boyd-Carr Conjecture
418 -- 431Matthieu Jonckheere, Sergio López. Large Deviations for the Stationary Measure of Networks Under Proportional Fair Allocations
432 -- 444Danny Segev. An Approximate Dynamic-Programming Approach to the Joint Replenishment Problem
445 -- 463Elena Antoniadou, Leonard J. Mirman, Richard Ruble. Lattices and Lotteries
464 -- 486Bernt Øksendal, Agnès Sulem, Tusheng Zhang. Singular Control and Optimal Stopping of SPDEs, and Backward SPDEs with Reflection
487 -- 516Chenxu Li. Closed-Form Expansion, Conditional Expectation, and Option Valuation
517 -- 532Nicky D. van Foreest, Jacob Wijngaard. On Optimal Policies for Production-Inventory Systems with Compound Poisson Demand and Setup Costs
533 -- 560Sem C. Borst, Regina Egorova, Bert Zwart. Fluid Limits for Bandwidth-Sharing Networks in Overload
561 -- 572Neil Olver, F. Bruce Shepherd. Approximability of Robust Network Design
573 -- 596László A. Végh. Concave Generalized Flows with Applications to Market Equilibria

Volume 39, Issue 1

1 -- 30Mengdi Wang, Dimitri P. Bertsekas. Stabilization of Stochastic Iterative Methods for Singular and Nearly Singular Linear Systems
31 -- 45Jean-Yves Audibert, Sébastien Bubeck, Gábor Lugosi. Regret in Online Combinatorial Optimization
46 -- 59Marco Molinaro, R. Ravi. The Geometry of Online Packing Linear Programs
60 -- 104Hiroshi Hirai. The Maximum Multiflow Problems with Bounded Fractionality
105 -- 120Nicole Bäuerle, Ulrich Rieder. More Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes
121 -- 162Itai Gurvich. Validity of Heavy-Traffic Steady-State Approximations in Multiclass Queueing Networks: The Case of Queue-Ratio Disciplines
163 -- 189Jingchen Wu, Xiuli Chao. Optimal Control of a Brownian Production/Inventory System with Average Cost Criterion
190 -- 206Niv Buchbinder, Kamal Jain, Mohit Singh. Secretary Problems via Linear Programming
207 -- 228Ananda Weerasinghe. Diffusion Approximations for G/M/n + GI Queues with State-Dependent Service Rates