Journal: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Volume 5, Issue 4

269 -- 302Jan A. Van Mieghem. Commissioned Paper: Capacity Management, Investment, and Hedging: Review and Recent Developments
303 -- 316V. Daniel R. Guide Jr., Ruud H. Teunter, Luk N. Van Wassenhove. Matching Demand and Supply to Maximize Profits from Remanufacturing
317 -- 333Brian Tomlin. Capacity Investments in Supply Chains: Sharing the Gain Rather Than Sharing the Pain
334 -- 347Murat Köksalan, Robert D. Plante. Interactive Multicriteria Optimization for Multiple-Response Product and Process Design
348 -- 371Daniel Adelman. Price-Directed Replenishment of Subsets: Methodology and Its Application to Inventory Routing
372 -- 374Tamer Boyaci, Guillermo Gallego, Kevin H. Shang, Jing-Sheng Song. Erratum to Bounds in "Serial Production/Distribution Systems Under Service Constraints"

Volume 5, Issue 3

179 -- 202John Boudreau, Wallace J. Hopp, John O. McClain, L. Joseph Thomas. On the Interface Between Operations and Human Resources Management
203 -- 229Gabriel R. Bitran, René Caldentey. An Overview of Pricing Models for Revenue Management
230 -- 251Savas Dayanik, Jing-Sheng Song, Susan H. Xu. The Effectiveness of Several Performance Bounds for Capacitated Production, Partial-Order-Service, Assemble-to-Order Systems
252 -- 267Yunzeng Wang, Yigal Gerchak. Capacity Games in Assembly Systems with Uncertain Demand

Volume 5, Issue 2

79 -- 141Noah Gans, Ger Koole, Avishai Mandelbaum. Telephone Call Centers: Tutorial, Review, and Research Prospects
142 -- 156Kamalini Ramdas, Marshall Fisher, Karl Ulrich. Managing Variety for Assembled Products: Modeling Component Systems Sharing
157 -- 175Guillermo Gallego, Özalp Özer. Optimal Replenishment Policies for Multiechelon Inventory Problems Under Advance Demand Information
176 -- 177Stephen C. Graves, Sean P. Willems. Correspondence: Erratum: Optimizing Strategic Safety Stock Placement in Supply Chains

Volume 5, Issue 1

1 -- 17René Caldentey, Lawrence M. Wein. Analysis of a Decentralized Production-Inventory System
18 -- 36Tamer Boyaci, Saibal Ray. Product Differentiation and Capacity Cost Interaction in Time and Price Sensitive Markets
37 -- 53Uday S. Rao. Properties of the Periodic Review (R, T) Inventory Control Policy for Stationary, Stochastic Demand
55 -- 58Xinxin Hu. Advance Demand Information and Safety Capacity as a Hedge Against Demand and Capacity Uncertainty
59 -- 62Xin Chen. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost
63 -- 66Woonghee Tim Huh. A Continuous-Time Strategic Capacity Planning Model Based on the Minimum-Cut Problem
67 -- 69Natalia Golovachkina. Supplier-Manufacturer Relationships Under Forced Compliance Contracts
70 -- 73Z. Justin Ren. An Empirical Analysis of Forecast Sharing in the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain
74 -- 77Jinxin Yi. Vehicle Routing with Time Windows and Time-Dependent Rewards: A Problem from the American Red Cross