Journal: Natural Computing

Volume 15, Issue 4

519 -- 520Marian Gheorghe, Gheorghe Paun, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Agustin Riscos-Núñez. Preface
521 -- 532Bogdan Aman, Péter Battyányi, Gabriel Ciobanu, György Vaszil. Simulating P systems with membrane dissolution in a chemical calculus
533 -- 539Francis George C. Cabarle, Henry N. Adorna, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. Notes on spiking neural P systems and finite automata
541 -- 549Ludek Cienciala, Lucie Ciencialová, Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú. A class of restricted P colonies with string environment
551 -- 564Alberto Leporati, Luca Manzoni, Giancarlo Mauri, Antonio E. Porreca, Claudio Zandron. Monodirectional P systems
565 -- 573Miguel A. Martínez-del-Amor, Luis F. Macías-Ramos, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez. Parallel simulation of Population Dynamics P systems: updates and roadmap
575 -- 578Linqiang Pan, Gheorghe Paun. On the universality of purely catalytic P systems
579 -- 589Jianhua Xiao, Juanjuan He, Ping Chen, Yunyun Niu. An improved dynamic membrane evolutionary algorithm for constrained engineering design problems
591 -- 596WeiTao Yuan, Gexiang Zhang, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Tao Wang, Zhiwei Huang. P systems based computing polynomials: design and formal verification
597 -- 610Xingyi Zhang, Jun Li, Lei Zhang. A multi-objective membrane algorithm guided by the skin membrane
611 -- 634Urmi Majumder, Sudhanshu Garg, Thomas H. LaBean, John H. Reif. Activatable tiles for compact robust programmable molecular assembly and other applications
635 -- 651Chenlong Liu, Jing Liu, Zhongzhou Jiang. An improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for simultaneously detecting separated and overlapping communities
653 -- 664Zhuanzhe Zhao, Qingsong Xu, Minping Jia. Sensor network optimization of gearbox based on dependence matrix and improved discrete shuffled frog leaping algorithm
665 -- 675Laura M. F. Bertens, Jetty Kleijn, Sander C. Hille, Monika Heiner, Maciej Koutny, Fons J. Verbeek. Modeling biological gradient formation: combining partial differential equations and Petri nets