Journal: Natural Computing

Volume 10, Issue 4

1215 -- 1217José Félix Costa, Nachum Dershowitz. Introduction
1219 -- 1244Masashi Aono, Yoshito Hirata, Masahiko Hara, Kazuyuki Aihara. Greedy versus social: resource-competing oscillator network as a model of amoeba-based neurocomputer
1245 -- 1259Ed Blakey. Unconventional complexity measures for unconventional computers
1261 -- 1273Jérôme Durand-Lose. Abstract geometrical computation 5: embedding computable analysis
1275 -- 1294Enrico Formenti, Jarkko Kari, Siamak Taati. On the hierarchy of conservation laws in a cellular automaton
1295 -- 1312Daniel S. Graça, Ning Zhong. Computability in planar dynamical systems
1313 -- 1343Ellie D'Hondt, Yves Vandriessche. Distributed quantum programming
1345 -- 1369Jeff Jones. Influences on the formation and evolution of Physarum polycephalum inspired emergent transport networks
1371 -- 1382Karl Svozil. Quantum value indefiniteness
1383 -- 1405Benjamin Wells. Unwinding performance and power on Colossus, an unconventional computer
1407 -- 1430Karthik Sindhya, Kalyanmoy Deb, Kaisa Miettinen. Improving convergence of evolutionary multi-objective optimization with local search: a concurrent-hybrid algorithm
1431 -- 1458Paskorn Champrasert, Junichi Suzuki, Tetsuo Otani. Evolutionary high-dimensional QoS optimization for safety-critical utility communication networks

Volume 10, Issue 3

987 -- 992Monika Heiner. Preface: Petri nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology
993 -- 1015Eva M. Rodriguez, Anita Rudy, Ricardo C. H. del Rosario, Angelika M. Vollmar, Eduardo R. Mendoza. A discrete Petri net model for cephalostatin-induced apoptosis in leukemic cells
1017 -- 1043Louchka Popova-Zeugmann. Quantitative evaluation of time-dependent Petri nets and applications to biochemical networks
1045 -- 1075Ruth Lamprecht, Gregory D. Smith, Peter Kemper. Stochastic Petri net models of Ca:::2+::: signaling complexes and their analysis
1077 -- 1097Ming Chen, Sridhar Hariharaputran, Ralf Hofestädt, Benjamin Kormeier, Sarah Spangardt. Petri net models for the semi-automatic construction of large scale biological networks
1099 -- 1120Hiroshi Matsuno, Masao Nagasaki, Satoru Miyano. Hybrid Petri net based modeling for biological pathway simulation
1121 -- 1141Natasha Jonoska, Gregory L. McColm, Ana Staninska. On stoichiometry for the assembly of flexible tile DNA complexes
1143 -- 1194Gerard Briscoe, Suzanne Sadedin, Philippe De Wilde. Digital Ecosystems: Ecosystem-Oriented Architectures
1195 -- 1214Andrew Adamatzky, Genaro Juárez Martínez, Sergio V. Chapa Vergara, René Asomoza-Palacio, Christopher R. Stephens. Approximating Mexican highways with slime mould

Volume 10, Issue 2

633 -- 638Monika Heiner. Preface: Petri nets for Systems and Synthetic Biology
639 -- 654Wolfgang Marwan, Annegret Wagler, Robert Weismantel. Petri nets as a framework for the reconstruction and analysis of signal transduction pathways and regulatory networks
655 -- 681Annegret Wagler, Robert Weismantel. The combinatorics of modeling and analyzing biological systems
683 -- 709Kurt Lautenbach, Alexander Pinl. A Petri net representation of Bayesian message flows: importance of Bayesian networks for biological applications
711 -- 725Anastasia Pagnoni. Error-correcting Petri nets
727 -- 750Claudine Chaouiya, Aurélien Naldi, Elisabeth Remy, Denis Thieffry. Petri net representation of multi-valued logical regulatory graphs
751 -- 774David Angeli. Boundedness analysis for open Chemical Reaction Networks with mass-action kinetics
775 -- 776Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Kai Salomaa. Editorial: Computing with biomolecules
777 -- 793Bogdan Aman, Gabriel Ciobanu. Mutual mobile membranes with objects on surface
795 -- 804Mark Daley, Ian McQuillan, James M. McQuillan, Kalpana Mahalingam. Theoretical and computational properties of transpositions
805 -- 819Giuditta Franco, Vincenzo Manca. Algorithmic applications of XPCR
821 -- 833Rudolf Freund, Sergey Verlan. (Tissue) P systems working in the ::::k::::-restricted minimally or maximally parallel transition mode
835 -- 852Alexander Krassovitskiy, Yurii Rogozhin, Sergey Verlan. Computational power of insertion-deletion (P) systems with rules of size two
853 -- 877Matthew J. Patitz, Scott M. Summers. Self-assembly of decidable sets
879 -- 890Elena Rivero-Gil, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo, Álvaro Romero Jiménez, Agustin Riscos-Núñez. A software tool for generating graphics by means of P systems
891 -- 920Sarab Al Muhaideb, Mohamed El-bachir Menai. Evolutionary computation approaches to the Curriculum Sequencing problem
921 -- 945Marcin Budka, Bogdan Gabrys. Electrostatic field framework for supervised and semi-supervised learning from incomplete data
947 -- 959Fusheng Xiong, Wayne D. Frasch. Padlock probe-mediated qRT-PCR for DNA computing answer determination
961 -- 986Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske. Graph multiset transformation: a new framework for massively parallel computation inspired by DNA computing

Volume 10, Issue 1

1 -- 2Roberto Barbuti, Giuditta Franco, Gheorghe Paun. Foreword
3 -- 16Roberto Barbuti, Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Paolo Milazzo, Giovanni Pardini, Luca Tesei. Spatial P systems
17 -- 38Francesco Bernardini, Robert Brijder, Matteo Cavaliere, Giuditta Franco, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Grzegorz Rozenberg. On aggregation in multiset-based self-assembly of graphs
39 -- 53Mónica Cardona, M. Angels Colomer, Antoni Margalida, Antoni Palau, Ignacio Pérez-Hurtado, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez, Delfí Sanuy. A computational modeling for real ecosystems based on P systems
55 -- 76Alberto Castellini, Giuditta Franco, Roberto Pagliarini. Data analysis pipeline from laboratory to MP models
77 -- 90Michael Cauchi, Luca Bianco, Conrad Bessant. The quantification of pollutants in drinking water by use of artificial neural networks
91 -- 102Vincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Morelli, Giuseppe Nicosia, Mario Pavone, Giuseppe Scollo. On discrete models and immunological algorithms for protein structure prediction
103 -- 117Eugen Czeizler, Lila Kari. Towards a neighborhood simplification of tile systems: From Moore to quasi-linear dependencies
119 -- 127Ángel Goñi Moreno, Miguel Redondo-Nieto, Fernando Arroyo, Juan Castellanos. Biocircuit design through engineering bacterial logic gates
129 -- 138Tom Head. Computing transparently: the independent sets in a graph
139 -- 149John Jack, Andrei Paun, Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón. A review of the nondeterministic waiting time algorithm
151 -- 165Raluca Lefticaru, Marian Gheorghe, Florentin Ipate. An empirical evaluation of P system testing techniques
167 -- 182Antonio E. Porreca, Alberto Leporati, Giancarlo Mauri, Claudio Zandron. P systems with active membranes: trading time for space
187 -- 188Jon Timmis, Paul S. Andrews, Susan Stepney. Editorial for special issue on the interaction between computation and biology
189 -- 207Wei Pang, George Macleod Coghill. An immune-inspired approach to qualitative system identification of biological pathways
209 -- 241Heder S. Bernardino, Helio J. C. Barbosa. Grammar-based immune programming
243 -- 274Martin Drozda, Sven Schaust, Sebastian Schildt, Helena Szczerbicka. Priming: making the reaction to intrusion or fault predictable
275 -- 304Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Siti Mariyam Hj. Shamsuddin, Azuraliza Abu Bakar, Salwani Abdullah. A hybrid approach for learning concept hierarchy from Malay text using artificial immune network
305 -- 333N. C. Woolley, J. V. Milanovic. An immune system inspired clustering and classification method to detect critical areas in electrical power networks
335 -- 336Russell Deaton. Forward
337 -- 355Aaron Sterling. Distributed agreement in tile self-assembly
357 -- 373Ya Meng, Navin Kashyap. The effect of malformed tiles on tile assemblies within the kinetic tile assembly model
375 -- 389Max H. Garzon, Tit-Yee Wong. DNA chips for species identification and biological phylogenies
391 -- 405Ján Manuch, Chris Thachuk, Ladislav Stacho, Anne Condon. NP-completeness of the energy barrier problem without pseudoknots and temporary arcs
407 -- 428Luca Cardelli. Strand algebras for DNA computing
429 -- 445Paolo Bottoni, Anna Labella, Florin Manea, Victor Mitrana, Ion Petre, José M. Sempere. Complexity-preserving simulations among three variants of accepting networks of evolutionary processors
447 -- 466Urmi Majumder, John H. Reif. Design of a biomolecular device that executes process algebra
467 -- 485Ashish Goel, Morteza Ibrahimi. A renewable, modular, and time-responsive DNA circuit
487 -- 506Xiaoying Pan, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu. An improved multi-agent genetic algorithm for numerical optimization
507 -- 526Teng Nga Sing, Jason Teo. Evolutionary and population dynamics of 3 parents differential evolution (3PDE) using self-adaptive tuning methodologies
527 -- 539Laura Diosan, Mihai Oltean. Friction-based sorting
541 -- 550Masud Hasan, S. M. Shabab Hossain, Md. Mahmudur Rahman, M. Sohel Rahman. Solving the generalized Subset Sum problem with a light based device
551 -- 581Fabio R. J. Vieira, Valmir C. Barbosa. Optimization of supply diversity for the self-assembly of simple objects in two and three dimensions
583 -- 594Vamsi Kundeti, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran. Efficient algorithms for self assembling non-rectangular nano structures
595 -- 612Ion Petre, Andrzej Mizera, Claire L. Hyder, Annika Meinander, Andrey Mikhailov, Richard I. Morimoto, Lea Sistonen, John E. Eriksson, Ralph-Johan Back. A simple mass-action model for the eukaryotic heat shock response and its mathematical validation
613 -- 632Niall Murphy, Damien Woods. The computational power of membrane systems under tight uniformity conditions