Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 19, Issue 3

321 -- 330Erik C. W. Krabbe. The adequacy of material dialogue-games
331 -- 354John T. Kearns. Three substitution-instance interpretations
355 -- 385Paul J. Welsh. Primitivity in mereology. II
386 -- 394John L. Hickman. Doubly transitive sets
395 -- 396Allan M. Hart, Herbert E. Hendry. Some observations on a method of McKinsey
397 -- 404Mary Sirridge. Buridan: "every proposition is false" is false
405 -- 415Luis E. Sanchis. Hyperenumeration reducibility
416 -- 418Benjamin S. Hawkins. On certain incapacities claimed for logicians
419 -- 420Jon C. Muzio. A note concerning a sole sufficient operator
421 -- 434Jürgen Schmidt. Binomial pairs, semi-Brouwerian and Brouwerian semilattices
435 -- 444John Grant. Classifications for inconsistent theories
445 -- 451Garrel Pottinger. Proofs of the normalization and Church-Rosser theorems for the typed λ-calculus
452 -- 456Alexander Abian. Passages between finite and infinite
457 -- 460Boleslaw Sobocinski. Note about Łukasiewicz's theorem concerning the system of axioms of the implicational propositional calculus
461 -- 464Dolph Ulrich. Semantics for S4.1.2
465 -- 466Wolfgang Lenzen. S4.1.4=S4.1.2 and S4.021=S4.04
467 -- 474Boleslaw Sobocinski. A new axiomatization of the mixed associative Newman algebras
475 -- 485John Williamson. An ambiguity in modal logic
486 -- 488Marilyn Milberger. The minimal modal logic: a cautionary tale about primitives and definitions
489 -- 494John Staples. Truth in constructive metamathematics
495 -- 503Steven Garavaglia. Relative strength of Malitz quantifiers
504 -- 512Thomas Sudkamp. Self-conjugate functions on Boolean algebras