Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 29, Issue 2

185 -- 192Per Lindström. Partially generic formulas in arithmetic
193 -- 197Leonardo Pasini. Generalized Hardy fields in several variables
198 -- 207Carl H. Smith. A note on arbitrarily complex recursive functions
208 -- 213Stewart Shapiro. The Lindenbaum construction and decidability
214 -- 215George Boolos. Alphabetical order
216 -- 228William N. Reinhardt. Epistemic set theory
229 -- 234T. S. Weston. Approximate truth and Ł ukasiewicz logic
235 -- 248Francis Jeffry Pelletier, W. David Sharp. On proving functional incompleteness in symbolic logic classes
249 -- 266Russell Pannier, Thomas Sullivan. Mindful logic: how to resolve some paradoxes of identity
267 -- 275Roy A. Sorensen. Precisification by means of vague predicates