Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 34, Issue 3

311 -- 333G. White. Are we finite?
334 -- 377Michael Makkai. The fibrational formulation of intuitionistic predicate logic I: completeness according to Gödel, Kripke, and Läuchli, Part 1
378 -- 400Timothy Williamson. Some admissible rules in nonnormal modal systems
401 -- 419Sergei N. Artëmov, Lev D. Beklemishev. On propositional quantifiers in provability logic
420 -- 438Stuart T. Smith. Quadratic residues and x:::3:::+y:::3:::=z:::3::: in models of IE::1:: and IE::2::
439 -- 444Charles B. Daniels. 'Good' defined in terms of 'better'
445 -- 452Athanassios Tzouvaras. Significant parts and identity of artifacts
453 -- 468Nino B. Cocchiarella. Foundations with foundationalism.