Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 16, Issue 4

449 -- 464Jonathan P. Seldin. Arithmetic as a study of formal systems
465 -- 475James Wilkinson Miller. The logic of the synthetic a priori
476 -- 482Donald Nute. Counterfactuals
483 -- 490Richard L. Purtill. Paradox-free deontic logics
491 -- 495Herbert E. Hendry. Another system of natural deduction
496 -- 500John Robert Baker. On two immediate inferences by limitation
501 -- 506David Marans. A note on reflexiveness
507 -- 508Ivo Thomas. Nice implicational axioms
509 -- 510George F. Schumm. Remark on a logic of preference
511 -- 516Charles C. Pinter. Algebraic logic with generalized quantifiers
517 -- 527Edwin M. Curley. The development of Lewis' theory of strict implication
528 -- 530Robert P. McArthur. S5 with the CBF
531 -- 535Peter A. Facione. The logic of intending and believing
536 -- 538George Englebretsen. Rescher on 'e!'
539 -- 542A. P. Rao. A note on universally free description theory
543 -- 544Nelson Pole. A deductive argument with a specific premise and a general conclusion
545 -- 547Jorge J. E. Gracia. Propositions as premises of syllogisms in medieval logic
548 -- 0Constantin Milici. Note on the C-calculus
549 -- 550Gerald J. Massey. Concerning an alleged Sheffer function
551 -- 0T. C. Wesselkamper. A correction to my paper "A sole sufficient operator"
552 -- 554Jekeri Okee. A semantical proof of the undecidability of the monadic intuitionistic predicate calculus of the first order
555 -- 564Alexander Abian. On the use of more than two-element Boolean valued models
565 -- 577R. B. Redmon. Identity
578 -- 582Martin M. Zuckerman. Arithmetic operations on ordinals
583 -- 590Richard A. DeMillo. Non-definability of certain semantic properties of programs
591 -- 596Jorge Baralt-Torrijos, Lucio Chiaraviglio, William Grosky. The programmatic semantics of binary predicator calculi
597 -- 602Paul Vincent Spade. On a conservative attitude toward some naive semantic principles
603 -- 604Charles Turek. Lehmann on the rules of the invalid syllogisms
605 -- 606Robert V. Kohn. Generalization of a result of Halldén
607 -- 0Yudit Rosenberg. In defense of Copi
608 -- 0Charles C. Davis. Erratum: "An investigation concerning the Hilbert-Sierpiński logical form of the axiom of choice"
608 -- 0Robert Goldblatt. Erratum: "Concerning the proper axiom for S4.04 and some related systems"
608 -- 0Newton C. A. da Costa. Erratum: "On the theory of inconsistent formal systems"

Volume 16, Issue 3

305 -- 328L. Herman, E. L. Marsden, Robert Piziak. Implication connectives in orthomodular lattices
329 -- 338Barbara Jeffcott. Decomposable orthologics
339 -- 344Roderic A. Girle. 1 ≠ S0.9
345 -- 351Robert E. Clay. Single axioms for atomistic and atomless mereology
352 -- 353Edward A. Hacker. The octagon of opposition
354 -- 356Thomas H. Payne. Computability on finite linear configurations
357 -- 362Richard Guhl. A theorem on recursively enumerable vector spaces
363 -- 368Paul Horwich. A formalization of "nothing"
369 -- 374Emily Michael. Peirce's paradoxical solution to the Liar's Paradox
375 -- 377Robert H. Cowen. A characterization of logical consequence in quantification theory
378 -- 0Ivo Thomas. Shorter development of an axiom
379 -- 388Northrup Fowler III. Sums of α-spaces
389 -- 396R. Beazer. Compactness in abstractions of Post algebras
397 -- 401S. Michael Webb. Nonstandard probability
402 -- 404George F. Schumm. A Henkin-style completeness proof for the pure implicational calculus
405 -- 408Robert Goldblatt. Solution to a completeness problem of Lemmon and Scott
409 -- 414Judith Gersting. Universal pairs of regressive isols
415 -- 417Judy Green. P-admissible sets with urelements
418 -- 420John E. Cooley. Theories of types and ordered pairs
421 -- 424W. A. Verloren van Themaat. The confiramtion of sentences by instances with different truth-values of its atoms
425 -- 428Rainer Güting. Subtractive abelian groups
429 -- 444Boleslaw Sobocinski. Concerning the postulate-systems of subtractive abelian groups
445 -- 448Max J. Cresswell. Logics and languages (Methuen, London, 1973)

Volume 16, Issue 2

145 -- 184Charles C. Davis. An investigation concerning the Hilbert-Sierpiński logical form of the axiom of choice
185 -- 207Leslie Stevenson. A formal theory of sortal quantification
208 -- 216Charles E. Hughes. The general decision problem for Markov algorithms with axiom
217 -- 228Nicholas J. Moutafakis. A new look at erotetic communication
229 -- 237Kit Fine. Normal forms in modal logic
238 -- 244Thomas H. Payne. Concrete computability
245 -- 254Lyman C. D. Kulathungam. Reductio-ad-absurdum: a family feud between Copi and Scherer
255 -- 267E. William Chapin. Set-valued set theory. II
268 -- 0Ivo Thomas. Simple implicational development
269 -- 270Robert E. Clay. Corrections for my paper: "A model for Leśniewski's mereology in functions"
271 -- 272K. E. Pledger. Some extensions of S3
273 -- 294V. Frederick Rickey. Creative definitions in propositional calculi
295 -- 297Peter Jablon. A generalised propositional calculus
298 -- 300George Englebretsen. Sommers' proof that something exists
301 -- 304Robert J. Farrell. A note on the truth-table for $p \supset q$

Volume 16, Issue 1

1 -- 16Melvin Fitting. A modal logic ε-calculus
17 -- 44Florencio G. Asenjo, J. Tamburino. Logic of antinomies
45 -- 70Thomas W. Scharle. Axiomatization of fragments of S5
71 -- 80Bohuslav T. Peklo. Erweiterte deontische Logik (EDL). Ein Versuch um weitere formale Ausbildung der deontischen Modallogik
81 -- 85Boleslaw Sobocinski. A new postulate-system for modular lattices
86 -- 88T. C. Wesselkamper. A sole sufficient operator
89 -- 101Will Harris. A formal metasystem for Frege's semantics
102 -- 108James B. Davant. Wittgenstein on Russell's theory of types
109 -- 115Benjamin S. Hawkins. A compendium of C. S. Peirce's 1866-1885 work
116 -- 118Tobias Chapman. Prior's criticism of the Barcan formula
119 -- 131Albert M. Sweet. The pragmatics of first order languages. II
132 -- 0John Grant. Corrigendum to my paper: "Recognizable algebras of formulas"
133 -- 136Daniel Gogol. Formulas with two generalized quantifiers
137 -- 140Saburo Tamura. Two identities for lattices, distributive lattices and modular lattices with a constant
141 -- 144Boleslaw Sobocinski. A short postulate-system for ortholattices