Journal: Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

Volume 26, Issue 4

305 -- 308Matt Kaufmann. A note on the Hanf number of second-order logic
309 -- 340Garrel Pottinger. Intension, designation, and extension
341 -- 347George Boolos. 1-consistency and the diamond
348 -- 360Philip L. Peterson. Higher quantity syllogisms
361 -- 376Anand Pillay, Saharon Shelah. Classification theory over a predicate. I
377 -- 407Nino B. Cocchiarella. Two λ-extensions of the theory of homogeneous simple types as a second-order logic
408 -- 412Evangelos Kranakis. Definable partitions and reflection properties for regular cardinals
413 -- 422Roman Kossak. 1-like models of arithmetic
423 -- 428John Jones. The rule of procedure Re in Ł ukasiewicz's many-valued propositional calculi
429 -- 436Audoënus Le Blanc. Axioms for mereology
437 -- 443Audoënus Le Blanc. New axioms for mereology
444 -- 454David Ballard. Independence in higher-order subclassical logic
455 -- 462Harry Deutsch. Relevance and conformity
463 -- 478Raymond Turner. Nominalization and Scott's domains. II
479 -- 482Kosta Dosen. An intuitionistic Sheffer function
483 -- 489Audoënus Le Blanc. Investigations in protothetic

Volume 26, Issue 3

195 -- 228Saharon Shelah. Incompactness in regular cardinals
229 -- 303John T. Baldwin, Saharon Shelah. Second-order quantifiers and the complexity of theories

Volume 26, Issue 2

99 -- 105James H. Schmerl. Recursively saturated models generated by indiscernibles
106 -- 114John P. Burgess. From preference to utility: a problem of descriptive set theory
115 -- 128John P. Burgess, Yuri Gurevich. The decision problem for linear temporal logic
129 -- 138Alan H. Mekler, Saharon Shelah. Stationary logic and its friends. I
139 -- 177Leo Harrington, Michael Makkai. An exposition of Shelah's "main gap": counting uncountable models of ω-stable and superstable theories
178 -- 188Leo Harrington, Saharon Shelah. Some exact equiconsistency results in set theory

Volume 26, Issue 1

1 -- 8Roman Kossak. A note on satisfaction classes
9 -- 35William H. Hanson, James Hawthorne. Validity in intensional languages: a new approach
36 -- 50Saharon Shelah. INFINITY, λ-equivalent to M of power λ, for λ singular
51 -- 60László Csirmaz. A completeness theorem for dynamic logic
61 -- 75Bowman L. Clark. Individuals and points
76 -- 80Isabel Loureiro. Principal congruences of tetravalent modal algebras
81 -- 95Paul S. Strauss. Number-theoretic set theories