Journal: Nord. J. Comput.

Volume 6, Issue 4

363 -- 371Min-Shiang Hwang. A Dynamic Key Generation Scheme for Access Control in a Hierarchy
372 -- 402Sofiène Tahar, Paul Curzon. Comparing HOL and MDG: a Case Study on the Verification of an ATM Switch Fabric
403 -- 421Jesper Larsen, Ib Pedersen. Experiments with the Auction Algorithm for the Shortest Path Problem
422 -- 445Maria I. Andreou, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos. NC Coloring Algorithms for Permutation Graphs
446 -- 461Drago Krznaric, Christos Levcopoulos, Bengt J. Nilsson. Minimum Spanning Trees in d Dimensions
462 -- 468Olivier Devillers, Asish Mukhopadhyay. Finding an Ordinary Conic and an Ordinary Hyperplane
469 -- 0Joachim Gudmundsson, Christos Levcopoulos. A Fast Approximation Algorithm for TSP with Neighborhoods