Journal: Numerische Mathematik

Volume 143, Issue 1

1 -- 16Lidia Aceto, Paolo Novati. Rational approximations to fractional powers of self-adjoint positive operators
17 -- 83Matthew J. Colbrook, Anders C. Hansen. On the infinite-dimensional QR algorithm
85 -- 106Herbert Egger. Structure preserving approximation of dissipative evolution problems
107 -- 137Francisco Guillén-González, Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu. From a cell model with active motion to a Hele-Shaw-like system: a numerical approach
139 -- 175L. Beirão da Veiga, Gianmarco Manzini, Lorenzo Mascotto. hp virtual elements
177 -- 222Lehel Banjai, Enrique Otárola. A PDE approach to fractional diffusion: a space-fractional wave equation
223 -- 259Tianyu Qiu, Alexander Rieder, Francisco-Javier Sayas, Shougui Zhang. Time-domain boundary integral equation modeling of heat transmission problems