Journal: Online Information Review

Volume 29, Issue 4

345 -- 348G. E. Gorman. The acceptability of digital resources
349 -- 364Ana Maria Ramalho Correia, José Carlos Teixeira. Reforming scholarly publishing and knowledge communication: From the advent of the scholarly journal to the challenges of open access
374 -- 390Bracha Shapira, Meirav Taieb-Maimon, Yael Nemeth. Subjective and objective evaluation of interactive and automatic query expansion
391 -- 399Songbo Tan. Binary k-nearest neighbor for text categorization
400 -- 411Luisa M. Doldi, Erwin Bratengeyer. The web as a free source for scientific information: a comparison with fee-based databases
412 -- 418Péter Jacsó. Options for presenting search results: Part 2: options for citation searching
419 -- 421Sangkyun Kim. The pay-per-use revolution in the internet world