Journal: Online Information Review

Volume 37, Issue 2

173 -- 192Jenny Bronstein. Like me! Analyzing the 2012 presidential candidates' Facebook pages
193 -- 216Carol Tenopir, Rachel Volentine, Donald W. King. Social media and scholarly reading
217 -- 230Jin Zhang, Wei Fei, Taowen Le. A comparative analysis of the search feature effectiveness of the major English and Chinese search engines
231 -- 251Layla Hasan, Anne Morris, Steve G. Probets. E-commerce websites for developing countries - a usability evaluation framework
252 -- 267Orland Hoeber. A longitudinal study of HotMap web search
268 -- 286Herbert Zuze, Melius Weideman. Keyword stuffing and the big three search engines
287 -- 303Nadjla Hariri. Do natural language search engines really understand what users want?: A comparative study on three natural language search engines and Google
304 -- 325Samuel Kai-Wah Chu, Felix Siu, Michael Liang, Catherine M. Capio, Wendy W. Y. Wu. Users' experiences and perceptions on using two wiki platforms for collaborative learning and knowledge management
326 -- 338Péter Jacsó. ProQuest's Graduate Education Program (GEP) - a powerful, free database and software package for LIS educators and students worldwide
339 -- 0I-Hsien Ting. Blogging in the Global Society: Cultural, Political and Geographical Aspects
340 -- 0David Mason. Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments
341 -- 0Margot Note. Digital Dialogues and Community 2.0: After Avatars, Trolls and Puppets
342 -- 343Madely du Preez. Digital Libraries and Information Access: Research Perspectives
343 -- 344Madely du Preez. Information Need: A Theory Connecting Information Search to Knowledge Formation
344 -- 345Madely du Preez. Information Theory and Evolution
345 -- 346Madely du Preez. Introduction to Information Science
346 -- 347Kay Neville. Virtual Professional Development and Informal Learning via Social Networks